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Fix issue with LDD downloads on repeat. Ignore LDD if fails all retries for rest of running instance. #162

Fix issue with LDD downloads on repeat. Ignore LDD if fails all retries for rest of running instance.

Fix issue with LDD downloads on repeat. Ignore LDD if fails all retries for rest of running instance. #162

name: Secret Detection Workflow
- main
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
name: Install necessary packages
run: |
pip install git+
pip install jq
name: Create an initial .secrets.baseline if .secrets.baseline does not exist
run: |
if [ ! -f .secrets.baseline ]; then
# This generated baseline file will only be temporarily available on the GitHub side and will not appear in the user's local files.
# Scanning an empty folder to generate an initial .secrets.baseline without secrets in the results.
echo "⚠️ No existing .secrets.baseline file detected. Creating a new blank baseline file."
mkdir empty-dir
detect-secrets scan empty-dir > .secrets.baseline
echo "✅ Blank .secrets.baseline file created successfully."
rm -r empty-dir
echo "✅ Existing .secrets.baseline file detected. No new baseline file will be created."
name: Scan repository for secrets
run: |
# scripts to scan repository for new secrets
# backup the list of known secrets
cp .secrets.baseline
# find the secrets in the repository
detect-secrets scan --disable-plugin AbsolutePathDetectorExperimental --baseline \
--exclude-files '\.secrets..*' \
--exclude-files '\.pre-commit-config\.yaml' \
--exclude-files '\.git.*' \
--exclude-files 'target'
# if there is any difference between the known and newly detected secrets, break the build
# Function to compare secrets without listing them
compare_secrets() { diff <(jq -r '.results | keys[] as $key | "\($key),\(.[$key] | .[] | .hashed_secret)"' "$1" | sort) <(jq -r '.results | keys[] as $key | "\($key),\(.[$key] | .[] | .hashed_secret)"' "$2" | sort) >/dev/null; }
# Check if there's any difference between the known and newly detected secrets
if ! compare_secrets .secrets.baseline; then
echo "⚠️ Attention Required! ⚠️" >&2
echo "New secrets have been detected in your recent commit. Due to security concerns, we cannot display detailed information here and we cannot proceed until this issue is resolved." >&2
echo "" >&2
echo "Please follow the steps below on your local machine to reveal and handle the secrets:" >&2
echo "" >&2
echo "1️⃣ Run the 'detect-secrets' tool on your local machine. This tool will identify and clean up the secrets. You can find detailed instructions at this link:" >&2
echo "" >&2
echo "2️⃣ After cleaning up the secrets, commit your changes and re-push your update to the repository." >&2
echo "" >&2
echo "Your efforts to maintain the security of our codebase are greatly appreciated!" >&2
exit 1