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Releases: NHERI-SimCenter/R2DTool

Version 5.3.0

04 Feb 08:39
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New Features

  • Added Power Network for a HAZUS damage assessment
  • Integration of pyrecodes software for performing Recovery simulation post event

This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grants No. 1612843 and No. 2131111. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. National Science Foundation.

Version 5.2.0

25 Nov 20:27
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  • A traffic flow simulator was integrated to assess the impact of natural hazards on highway transportation services. The Residual Demand Simulator, based on pseudo-equilibrium dynamic traffic assignment theory, was originally developed by Zhao et al. (2019).
  • The HAZUS-style highway bridge analysis was improved by applying capacity scaling factors, such as skewness, spectral shape, and 3D effect factors, as defined in the HAZUS technical manual. The refined bridge analysis now fully aligns with FEMA’s HAZUS methodology.

This work is based on material supported by the National Science Foundation under grants CMMI 1612843 and 2131111

Version 5.1.0

01 Oct 06:57
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  • The HAZUS-style building analysis was refined by incorporating the capacity spectrum method. This method allows for fragility analysis based on spectral acceleration and spectral displacement, replacing the previously used equivalent PGA-based fragility analysis in earlier versions of R2D.

Version 5.0.0

23 Aug 16:16
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  • Major changes required for interfacing with DesignSafe and the newly released Version 3 of Tapis. Updated major version to reflect Preferences need updating, and that for users submitting jobs to TACC HPC resources additional set-up steps and user input is required.

This work is based on material supported by the National Science Foundation under grants CMMI 1612843 and 2131111

Version 4.2.0

10 May 15:07
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Major New Features:

  • Adding REWET application for performance evaluation and recovery simulation of water distribution system

This work is based on material supported by the National Science Foundation under grants CMMI 1612843 and 2131111

Version 4.1.0

01 Apr 06:51
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  • Upgrade the earthquake event generation toolbox to support simulation of Peak Ground Velocity (PGV) and liquefaction induced Permanent Ground Deformation (PGD)
  • Enhancements to the BRAILS-Buildings widget, providing detailed user interaction with the existing BRAILS building inventory generation capabilities. In brief, these enhancements enable
    1) Importing footprint and building data from i) OpenStreetMaps, ii) Microsoft Global Building Footprints dataset, iii) FEMA USA
    Structures, and iv) user-specified data sources,
    2) Using National Structures Inventory data or other user-specified data to create a baseline building inventory
    3) Requesting a subset of BRAILS attributes for inventory generation
  • Update the damage and loss engine, Pelicun, to v3.3:

This work is based on material supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under grants CMMI 1612843 and 2131111

Version 4.0.0

01 Jan 03:00
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Major Changes:

  • Interface with BRAILS to allow user to obtain regional transporartation network for subsequent analysis in R2D
  • HAZUS evaluation of transportation network
  • Users Can utilize surrogates developed in EE_UQ for earthquake hazards

Minor Changes:

  • Earthquake HAzard Selection panel redone
  • Pulling in geojson files and revised output format

Version 3.0.0

17 May 21:06
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Version 3.0.0

Major Changes:

  • Revised Working to include a Tools option in main menu. Tools is where R2D will place useful applications for generating input used in the Workflow. Some existing applications have been moved there, e.g. Earthquake and Hurricane Selection. In tools there are new features:
  1. To Census tool Census included pulling socio-economic info from the American Community Service(ACS).
  2. In Earthquake Selection ability to use Hazard Occurence Models.
  • Version to to 3.x to reflect change in input files for handling multiple assets with different options in terms of Asset mapping, DL, .. for all assets.

Version 2.1.0

01 Apr 06:21
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New features:

  • Ability to perform regional site response analysis taking motions at rock to surface
  • Ability to import hazards as a raster
  • Ability to employ custom fragility functions in Pelicun DL framework
  • Support of tsunami hazards
  • Ability to import population demographics from census and merge with building inventory

Version 2.0.0

01 Jan 05:26
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1. QGIS integrated into R2D with the ability to:

  • load several types of GIS files into R2D to visualize and extract information
  • post-process results based on advanced queries and expression filters
  • join external databases to GIS features to add additional information for pre- and post-processing
  • export GIS layers into many supported formats for viewing in other GIS applications

2. Filtering of assets to include in an analysis based on advanced queries and expressions

3. OpenQuake source selection tool

  • OpenQuake Scenario-Based Seismic Hazard Analysis to calculate intensity measure from OpenQuake rupture sources
  • OpenQuake Classical Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis to calculate intensity measures from OpenQuake seismic source and ground motion logic trees

4. Widget to import building inventory in ShapeFile format

version updates to 2.0.0 as older versions run at design-safe will not load due to changes in backend.