This repository contains all my solutions, exercises, and notes from the ULTIMATE Full Stack Development Course: Deep Dive into Modern Web Development Full Stack Open, provided by the University of Helsinki.
The course is designed to introduce you to modern web development with JavaScript-based technologies. From building interactive Single Page Applications (SPA) with React to creating robust backends with Node.js, this course covers it all.
“Learn React, Redux, Node.js, MongoDB, GraphQL, and TypeScript in one go!”
The course focuses on modern web development practices, including:
- Building scalable single-page applications with ReactJS.
- Interacting with REST APIs and learning GraphQL for efficient data handling.
- Creating backends with Node.js and storing data using MongoDB.
- Understanding state management with Redux.
- Exploring TypeScript for better code maintainability.
This course is worth 14 ECTS credits, with an additional 10 credits for the final project, making a total of 24 ECTS credits.
Each folder in this repository corresponds to a specific part of the course:
Part | Description | Key Topics |
Part 0 | Fundamentals of Web Apps | Web architecture, HTTP, HTML, CSS |
Part 1 | Introduction to React | Components, JSX, state, props |
Part 2 | Communicating with the Server | Forms, fetching data, styling |
Part 3 | Programming a Server with Node.js | Express, REST APIs, middleware |
Part 4 | Testing Express Servers | Unit testing, integration testing |
Part 5 | Testing React Apps | End-to-end testing, CI/CD pipelines |
Part 6 | Advanced State Management | Redux, reducers, actions |
Part 7 | React Router & GraphQL | Routing, queries, mutations |
Part 8 | Backend Integration with TypeScript | Type safety, advanced Node.js |
Final Project | Comprehensive Full Stack Project | SPA with a backend and database |
Each part includes exercises, explanations, and notes in its own folder to keep things organized.
Here’s a list of the main technologies explored throughout this course:
- Frontend: React, Redux, CSS, HTML
- Backend: Node.js, Express, MongoDB
- State Management: Redux, Context API
- Database: MongoDB, Mongoose
- API Interaction: REST APIs, GraphQL
- Tooling: Git, Jest, Webpack, Babel
- Language Features: JavaScript (ES6+), TypeScript
This course offers an in-depth understanding of full stack development:
- Building responsive and dynamic frontend applications with React.
- Designing and implementing backend services with Node.js and Express.
- Persisting data in NoSQL databases like MongoDB.
- Writing clean and testable code using unit and integration testing.
- Managing complex application state with Redux and Context API.
- Adding dynamic typing to JavaScript projects using TypeScript.
- Each folder corresponds to a specific part of the course.
- Inside each folder, you'll find:
- Exercises: Solutions to all assigned tasks.
- Files: A general explanation of what was learnt and what the application is about.
NB: Detailed comments have been added to all the code to make the code easy to understand.
- Start from Part 0 and move sequentially to grasp the concepts step by step.
Here are a few examples of the applications built during the course:
Search for a country to view its details, including capital, area, flag, and weather.
Access it here
Add, search, and manage contacts with server-side integration.
Access it here
A CRUD app for managing notes.
A comprehensive full-stack SPA with advanced features. As this course is being worked on right now. Hence the final project has not been completed yet. It will be added as soon as it gets completed.
Let’s dive into the world of modern web development and create amazing applications while learning the best practices. This journey is packed with fun exercises, challenges, and invaluable lessons.
Feel free to explore the repository and reach out if you have any questions!
Happy Coding! 😊
Iloista Koodailua!