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Varroa Client

Client for Varroa

For more information, see


pip install varroaclient

Common openstack CLI Commands

IP History

Varroa will keep track of what openstack resource owned an IP address for what period

To list the resource history of an IP address

openstack ip history

Security Risk Type

A security risk type is an admin defined type of security risk. e.g. "Password SSH allowed"

A security risk type has a name and a description. The description should describe what the security risk is and ideally the steps taken to fix this risk.

Some example commands

openstack security risk type list
openstack security risk type show <security risk type id>
openstack security risk type set <security risk type id>
openstack security risk type create <name>
openstack security risk type delete <security risk type id>

Security Risks

A security risk is the linkage of a security risk type to an openstack resource. e.g. Compute instance with id XYZ has a "Password SSH allowed" security risk.

Only the IP address of the affected resource needs to be entered when creating a new security risk. Varroa will then process this entry and attempt to link that IP address to an Openstack resource.

Some example commands

openstack security risk list --all
openstack security risk show <security risk id>
openstack security risk create -i <ip address> <type> -t <time in following format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM> -e <expires in following format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM>
openstack security risk delete <security risk id>


Python client for Varroa







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