Releases: NeuroBench/neurobench
Releases · NeuroBench/neurobench
What's Changed
- Coverage Report by @ben9809 in #237
- Readme Badges by @ben9809 in #239
- Leaderboard by @korneelf1 in #207
- Refactor/full lib by @jasonlyik in #243
- Release/2.0.0 by @jasonlyik in #244
Full Changelog: 1.0.6...2.0.0
DOI release
This release marks the first release for which a DOI is generated, as required by the Nature Communications publication guidelines.
What's Changed
- Enhance and automate unittests by @ben9809 in #219
- Add logo to readme by @jasonlyik in #223
- Fix black formatting by @ben9809 in #231
- update rnncell synops calculation by @jasonlyik in #227
- Bump version: 1.0.5 → 1.0.6 by @jasonlyik in #232
- Release 1.0.6 by @jasonlyik in #233
Full Changelog: 1.0.5...1.0.6
What's Changed
- Fix AttributeError: 'Leaky' object has no attribute 'mem' by @ben9809 in #218
- Bump version: 1.0.4 → 1.0.5 by @jasonlyik in #220
- 1.0.5 bugfix by @jasonlyik in #221
Full Changelog: 1.0.4...1.0.5
What's Changed
- update import paths for examples so that notebooks work by @jasonlyik in #182
- v1.0.1 bugfix by @jasonlyik in #185
- Code style optimization by @ben9809 in #191
- Set up pre-commit hooks to enhance code formatting and linting by @ben9809 in #196
- Add device arg to benchmark run by @jasonlyik in #200
- documentation into dev by @jasonlyik in #201
- 1.0.3 by @jasonlyik in #202
- Fix list rendering in docs of MSWC dataset class by @V0XNIHILI in #203
- Reduce doc tree depth by @ben9809 in #206
- Membrane Updates Metric by @ben9809 in #205
- Add trained DVS Gesture SNN Benchmark by @jasonlyik in #211
- Primate Reaching Dataset Fix by @vinniesun in #212
- Support for auto-release by @ben9809 in #209
- Documentation updates, 1.0.4 by @jasonlyik in #213
- Bump version: 1.0.3 → 1.0.4 by @jasonlyik in #214
- Release 1.0.4 by @jasonlyik in #215
New Contributors
- @vinniesun made their first contribution in #212
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...1.0.4