This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
After clone this repo to your local machine, do following steps to run this app:
Run command:
After finished all of the commands above, you can open any browsers and
access to http://localhost:3000
to see visit website.
This project use:
- Redux to save data customer.
- React-bootstrap-table2 to display table customers and export csv file.
- jsPdf, jspdf-autotable to export pdf file.
Structure for this project.
src/ ├──components/ | ├──chart/ | | ├──index.js | | ├──pieChart.js | | └──styles.scss | └──dataTable/ | ├──index.js | └──styles.scss ├──constants/ | └──index.js | ├──containers/ | ├──customer/ | | ├──constants.js | | ├──formCustomer.js | | ├──index.js | | └──styles.scss | ├──header/ | | ├──__tests__/ | | | └──App.test.js | | ├──actions.js | | ├──index.scss | | ├──mockInitData.json | | ├──reducer.js | | ├──styles.scss | | └──type.js | └──App.js | ├──store/ | └──index.js ├──ulti/ | └──index.js ├──styles.scss ├──index.js └── serviceWorker.js