Niccolò Salvini 27/4/2020
Metric types: There are three main metric types in yardstick
: class,
class probability, and numeric. Each type of metric has standardized
argument syntax, and all metrics return the same kind of output (a
tibble with 3 columns). This standardization allows metrics to easily be
grouped together and used with grouped data frames for computing on
multiple resamples at once. Below are the three types of metrics, along
with the types of the inputs they take.
- Class metrics (hard predictions)
- factorestimate
- factor
- Class probability metrics (soft predictions)
- factorestimate
/ … - multiple numeric columns containing class probabilities
- Numeric metrics
- numericestimate
- numeric
Suppose you create a classification model and predict on a new data set. You might have data that looks like this:
# two_class_example this is real data for a bin classification
#> truth Class1 Class2 predicted
#> 1 Class2 0.003589243 0.9964107574 Class2
#> 2 Class1 0.678621054 0.3213789460 Class1
#> 3 Class2 0.110893522 0.8891064779 Class2
#> 4 Class1 0.735161703 0.2648382969 Class1
#> 5 Class2 0.016239960 0.9837600397 Class2
#> 6 Class1 0.999275071 0.0007249286 Class1
You can use a dplyr
-like syntax to compute common performance
characteristics of the model and get them back in a data frame:
metrics(two_class_example, truth, predicted)
#> # A tibble: 2 x 3
#> .metric .estimator .estimate
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 accuracy binary 0.838
#> 2 kap binary 0.675
Or with different means, you calculating the roc_auc()
two_class_example %>%
roc_auc(truth, Class1)
#> # A tibble: 1 x 3
#> .metric .estimator .estimate
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 roc_auc binary 0.939
The precision is the percentage of predicted truly relevant results of the total number of >predicted relevant results and characterizes the “purity in retrieval performance” – Buckland and Gey, 1994
about the precision()
metrics: calculate of a measurement system for
finding relevant documents compared to reference results (the truth
regarding relevance). Highly related functions are recall() and
precision(data, truth, estimate, estimator = NULL, na_rm = TRUE, ...)
- data: Either a data.frame containing the truth and estimate columns
- truth: The column identifier for the true class results (that is
), his should be an unquoted column name - estimate :The column identifier for the predicted class results (that is also factor),to use an unquoted variable name.
- estimator: One of: " binary“,” macro“,” macro_weighted“, or” micro" , to specify th type of averaging to be done. This has its own employment in multiclass. The default will automatically choose " binary" or " macro"
Value: A tibble
with columns .metric
, .estimator
, and .estimate
and 1 row of values. example:
precision(two_class_example, truth, predicted)
#> # A tibble: 1 x 3
#> .metric .estimator .estimate
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 precision binary 0.819
- In
, the default is to use the first level. To change this, a global option calledyardstick.event_first
is set to TRUE when the package is loaded.
hpc_cv is a dataframe contains the predicted classes and class probabilities for Linear Discriminant Analysis model fit to the HPC data set from Kuhn and Johnson (2013). These data are the assessment sets from a 10-fold Cross-Validation scheme. The data column columns for the true class (obs), the class prediction (pred) and columns for each class probability (columns VF, F, M, and L). Additionally, a column for the resample indicator is included.
hpc_cv = as_tibble(hpc_cv)
#> # A tibble: 3,467 x 7
#> obs pred VF F M L Resample
#> <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 VF VF 0.914 0.0779 0.00848 0.0000199 Fold01
#> 2 VF VF 0.938 0.0571 0.00482 0.0000101 Fold01
#> 3 VF VF 0.947 0.0495 0.00316 0.00000500 Fold01
#> 4 VF VF 0.929 0.0653 0.00579 0.0000156 Fold01
#> 5 VF VF 0.942 0.0543 0.00381 0.00000729 Fold01
#> 6 VF VF 0.951 0.0462 0.00272 0.00000384 Fold01
#> 7 VF VF 0.914 0.0782 0.00767 0.0000354 Fold01
#> 8 VF VF 0.918 0.0744 0.00726 0.0000157 Fold01
#> 9 VF VF 0.843 0.128 0.0296 0.000192 Fold01
#> 10 VF VF 0.920 0.0728 0.00703 0.0000147 Fold01
#> # ... with 3,457 more rows
Here you are computing the precision for multiclass with the default string for estimator: macro
# Macro averaged multiclass precision
precision(hpc_cv, obs, pred)
#> # A tibble: 1 x 3
#> .metric .estimator .estimate
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 precision macro 0.631
Here instaed you are changing the estimator to micro
# Micro averaged multiclass precision
precision(hpc_cv, obs, pred, estimator = "micro")
#> # A tibble: 1 x 3
#> .metric .estimator .estimate
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 precision micro 0.709
[[[[[vedere meglio cosa sono micro e macro]]]]] —> see references
If you have multiple resamples of a model, you can use a metric on a grouped data frame to calculate the metric across all resamples at once. This happens when you are using yardstick in combination with the rsamples that allows you to have multiple resamples. This calculates multiclass ROC AUC using the method described in Hand, Till (2001), and does it across all 10 resamples at once.
hpc_cv %>%
group_by(Resample) %>%
roc_auc(obs, VF:L)
#> # A tibble: 10 x 4
#> Resample .metric .estimator .estimate
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 Fold01 roc_auc hand_till 0.831
#> 2 Fold02 roc_auc hand_till 0.817
#> 3 Fold03 roc_auc hand_till 0.869
#> 4 Fold04 roc_auc hand_till 0.849
#> 5 Fold05 roc_auc hand_till 0.811
#> 6 Fold06 roc_auc hand_till 0.836
#> 7 Fold07 roc_auc hand_till 0.825
#> 8 Fold08 roc_auc hand_till 0.846
#> 9 Fold09 roc_auc hand_till 0.836
#> 10 Fold10 roc_auc hand_till 0.820
Curve based methods such as roc_curve()
, pr_curve()
all have ggplot2::autoplot()
methods that allow for
powerful and easy visualization.
hpc_cv %>%
group_by(Resample) %>%
roc_curve(obs, VF:L) %>%
autoplot uses ggplot2
to draw a particular plot for an object of a
particular class in a single command. This defines the S3 (which are
all in the tidymodels) generic that other classes and packages can