A python script lists Which Use Service Account to bypass the 750G upload file size limit on Google Drive based on folderclone and AutoRclone
Different from The exist project, This repo use Rclone to transfer files from either local disk to Google Drive/Team Drive or Google Drive/Team Drive to Google Drive/Team Drive.
- Python ^3.4 (Use 64-Bit Python only)
- Python Library which list in
requirements.txt, sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Rclone ^1.41 (To support
feature ) - Both the source and the destination remote should be in your rclone config file.
- Your service accounts json files should be in the service_accounts folder, you can also mention your own specific path.
python3 autorclone.py -s remoteA: -d remoteB:
-h, --help, Shows this help message and exit
-s SOURCE, --source SOURCE, The source remote name or local file path.
-d DESTINATION, --destination DESTINATION, The destination remote name.
-sa SERVICE_ACCOUNTS, --service_accounts SERVICE_ACCOUNTS, The folder path of the json files for the service accounts without '/' at the end.
-p PORT, --port PORT, The port number to run 'rclone rc' on. Set it to a different one if you want to run another instance.
Original Chinese Version
[使用Service Account突破rclone单账号GD每日750G上传限制](//blog.rhilip.info/archives/1135/)
Not used in this fork
1. setup `multifactory.py`
1) Head over to <https://console.developers.google.com/> and sign in with your account.
2) Click "Library" on the left column, then click on "Select a project" at the top. Click on `NEW PROJECT` on the top-right corner of the new window.
3) In the Project name section, input a project name of your choice. Wait till the project creation is done and then click on "Select a project" again at the top and select your project.
4) Select "OAuth consent screen" and fill out the **Application name** field with a name of your choice. Scroll down and hit "Save"
5) Select "Credentials" and select Create credentials. Choose "OAuth client ID". Choose "Other" as your **Application type** and hit "Create". Hit "Ok". You will now be presented with a list of "OAuth 2.0 client IDs". At the right end, there will be a download icon. Select it to download and save it as `credentials.json` in the script folder.
6) Find out how many projects you'll need. For example, a 100 TB job will take approximately 135 service accounts to make a full clone. Each project can have a maximum of 100 service accounts. In the case of the 100TB job, we will need 2 projects. `multifactory.py` conveniently includes a quick setup option. Run the following command `python3 multifactory.py --quick-setup N`. **Replace `N` with the amount of projects you need!**. If you want to only use new projects instead of existing ones, make sure to add `--new-only` flag. It will automatically start doing all the hard work for you.
6a) Running this for the first time will prompt you to login with your Google account. Login with the same account you used for Step 1. If will then ask you to enable a service. Open the URL in your browser to enable it. Press Enter once it's enabled.
Not used in this fork
2. Steps to add all the service accounts to the Shared Drive
1) Once `multifactory.py` is done making all the accounts, open Google Drive and make a new Shared Drive to copy to.
2) Run the following command `python3 masshare.py -d SDFolderID`. Replace the `SDFolderID` with `XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`. The Folder ID can be obtained from the Shared Drive URL `https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`. `masshare.py` will start adding all your service accounts.
Used in this fork
Steps for
- Make sure that your service accounts json files are in the service_accounts folder
- Run it manually in either
or Add to crontab like0 */12 * * * /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/autorclone.py -s remoteA -d remoteB