Download accesskey
Console setup ** To set the configuration for the first time. Run below command** Change your region as per requirement and cost --> follow this link for knowing price of region and latency
Run command:
aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: xxxx
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: xxxx
Default region name [None]: ap-south-1
Default output format [None]: table
on aws dashboard --> under Networking & Content Delivery--> Subnet
EC2 = Elastic compute cloud. on aws dashboard --> under allservices--> Compute --> EC2
Before launching EC2 application we need to set security level roles. Security groups By default security group is assigned to ec2 application which is only accessable between the subnet private range.
Creating a new security group -> click on new security group button Fill in details like
create rule for the security group inbound outbound
create keypairs download pem key launch ec2 instance --> select low cost for training purpose. Even if amazon says free tire its only for limited services.
- Choose AMI we created
- Choose Instance
- configure Instance
- Add storage
- Add tags
- Add security group
- pair key
- launch instance
Once application is launched. Note if you are on linux/mac we just need pem key as is
Only if on windows Inorder to open it in windows machine. you have to make an setup to connect password less.
By creating a ppk key for putty to connect using puttygen tool <-- puttygen tool takes pem file in order to convert to ppk file
Once you have the ppk file. open putty and navigate to ssh section->auth and then load the ppk file which was created.