NotSoCode Executor in Docker
Heavily inspired by, but we needed to be able to send files to the executor and read files back from it.
the docker daemon doesn't like launching containers at the same time rapidly, looks like it can only handle 8 containers being launched at the same time. On an ovh vps it took about 17 seconds to process 200 executions at the same time, on a 7413 cpu it took 10 seconds. I do not think many people use this code execution api so this tradeoff is worth it for the customizability of npm/python packages and passing in/reading files in the executor.
by default, execute
and create_job
will try to build the images if the image isnt built already, will change in the future probably to error out if the image isn't built already (using, version=)
from notsocode import Languages, NotSoCode
async def test():
job = await NotSoCode.create_job(Languages.PYTHON, 'print("OK")')
response = await job.execute(timeout=10)
# output is {language: {language-object}, result: {error, files, output}, version}
async def test_with_files():
job = await NotSoCode.create_job(
files=[{'filename': 'file.txt', 'buffer': 'something'.encode()}],
response = await job.execute(timeout=10)
async def test_with_files_2():
response = await NotSoCode.execute(
'touch ./output/file{0001..0020}.txt',
# output will be [{'buffer', 'filename'}]
print(response['result']['files']) # it will only save however much `NOTSOCODE_PROCESS_MAX_FILES` is set to, which is 10
async def test_with_stdin():
response = await NotSoCode.execute(
stdin='Some stdin here',
print(response['result']['output']) # outputs 'Some stdin here'
export SECRET=somethingsecret
notsocodeserver # will launch an http server at, will be customizable in the future if needed
NOTSOCODE_USER = 'notsocoder' # the user name for the docker user (including home directory)
NOTSOCODE_USER_UID = '42069' # the user id for the docker user
NOTSOCODE_SCRIPT_FILE = 'script' # the script filename inside the docker
NOTSOCODE_STDIN_FILE = 'stdin' # the stdin filename inside the docker
NOTSOCODE_PROCESS_MAX_FILES = 10 # the max amount of files we will extract from the container's /output
NOTSOCODE_PROCESS_MAX_MEMORY = '256m' # the max amount of memory a container can use before being killed
NOTSOCODE_PROCESS_ULIMIT_FILE_SIZE = (100 * 1024 * 1024) # the max file size a container can make at a time, they can create an infinite amount of these
NOTSOCODE_PROCESS_ULIMIT_FILES = 2048 # the max amount of files a container can make
NOTSOCODE_PROCESS_ULIMIT_PROCESSES = 128 # the max amount of processes a container can make
DOCKER_BASE_URL = '' # incase you're running dind
To add network capability you need docker-tc running to be able to limit outgoing bandwidth, will update with clearer docs in the future
docker run -d \
--name docker-tc \
--network host \
--cap-add NET_ADMIN \
--restart always \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /var/docker-tc:/var/docker-tc \
NotSoCode Server
SECRET = '' # required, each request must have this secret in the 'authorization' header