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06. Operation Teams

Shinichi Hanayama edited this page Feb 23, 2025 · 3 revisions


The operation team has the ability to share their receiver with multiple staff accounts other than their own.

Receiver sharing allows staff to edit receivers on the SRC-Link Control Panel (admin role), manage members (also admin role), change member slots (staff role), and receive clean-feeds in OBS Studio (staff role).

It is not secure to share an account linked to a payment site (Stripe) with others, so please be sure to use a opeation team, especially for events or companies run by a group of volunteers.

One or two operation teams may be created per account, depending on the plan. Members of the operation team are also called “operators” to distinguish them from members of the receiver. The maximum number of operators is also set per team, depending on the plan.

Please refer to the List of Plans for the maximum number of each plan.

Create operation team

The operation team will not be created defaultly when you register an account, so please follow the next steps to create a new one.

  1. Login to the SRC-Link Control Panel, open “Settings” and click on “Operation Teams”
  2. Click the “Create Operation Team” button.
  3. Enter a name for the operation team. Description and picture will also be displayed on the operator's screen.
  4. Click the “Save” button.

This will create an operation team. Then proceed to Add Operators.


Add operators

To add an operator to the operation team, you must obtain a Guest Code from him or her. This “guest code” is the same code used to add a guest to receiver.

Following is the procedure for operator himself.

  1. Login to the SRC-Link Control Panel, open “Settings” and click on “Guest Codes”
  2. If you have already created it, please copy and paste the guest code and send it to the operation team administrator.


Once you have the guest code, you can add the operator to the operation team.

Following is the procedure for Operation Team administrator.

  1. Login to the SRC-Link Control Panel, open “Settings” and click on “Operation Teams”

  2. Select the operation team you just created (if there is only one, it will be automatically selected)

  3. Click on the “Add Operator” button


  4. Paste the code you obtained from your staff into the “Guest Code” field.

  5. Select the “Role” of the operator. Each role has the following permissions

    • Admin: Ability to add and manage members, edit receivers and slots. Also has the ability to receive clean-feeds in OBS Studio.
    • Staff: Can only operate slots. Also has the ability to receive clean feeds in OBS Studio. (*) You cannot grant management authority of the operation team itself.
  6. Click the “Save” button.


You can also change the role of the operator or delete the operator on “Operation Team” page.

Receiver Sharing

Finally, associate the operation team with the receiver in order to share the receiver.

  1. In the SRC-Link Control Panel, open “Host” menu and select the receiver to be shared (if there is only one, it will be automatically selected).

  2. Click on the “Edit Receiver” button.


  3. Scroll down to the “Authorized Teams” column and click the “+Add new authorized team” button.

  4. Please select the operation team you have prepared above in the “Team” field.

  5. Select the “Role” of operation team. Operator roles are restricted to the permissions of role specified in receiver. For example, an operator who is assigned “admin” by the operation team, but if him/her team was designated “staff” by receiver, the operator will ultimately have only “staff” privileges.

    The permitted operations for each role are the same as operation team's roles.

  6. Click the “Save” button.


The shared receiver will appear on the operator's “Host” page. Operators can handle receivers shared by the operation team in exactly the same way as their own receivers.

Withdrawal from the operation team

The operation team can leave by operators themselves (e.g., after the event is closed).

The following is procedure for operator himself.

  1. Login to the SRC-Link Control Panel, open “Settings” and click on “Operation Teams”

  2. Please select the team you belong to. If you are an administrator of operation teams (if exist), these will be listed together.

  3. Click on the “Withdrawal” button.

  4. A confirmation dialog will be prompted, so click “OK” if you are sure you want to withdraw from the operation team.


Receive clean-feeds at receivers on your operation team.

By connecting to OBS Studio with your operator account, you can receive clean-feeds sent to the shared receiver of operation team. This is exactly the same way as receiving in your own receiver.

A shared receiver from your operation team will be added to properties of SRC-Link downlink, so please select and set it in “Receiver” combo box.


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