9.3.0 Release Notes
Add C++ API to transform coordinate (#3705 )
CMake: add PROJ_DB_CACHE_DIR (#3711 )
Implement EPSG:1026 Mercator (Spherical) method (#3741 )
CMake: remove useless cross-compiling related checks (#3747 )
Add mapping of Equidistant Conic to new EPSG:1119 method (#3812 )
Implement proposal001 from Planetary DWG from OGC (#3816 )
Add option in proj CLI to use a CRS (#3825 )
proj_factors(): make it work with projected CRS with non-metre unit and/or northing/easting axis order (#3826 )
PROJ_DEBUG: make ON an alias of 2, and OFF of 1 (#3835 )
Database: update to EPSG 10.094 (#3847 )
Bug fixes
GeographicBoundingBox::intersection(): avoid infinite recursion and stack overflow on invalid bounding boxes (#3748 )
Various fixes related to concatenated operations (#3820 )
Projected CRS identification: fix crash when the base CRS is a non-geographic geodetic CRS (#3830 )
Avoid C++ exceptions to be thrown (and caught) when parsing strings like +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +type=crs
(#3834 )
BUG: Handle prefix whitespace when guessing WKT dialiect (#3841 )
proj_alter_id(): make it replace an existing ID instead of appending a new one (#3846 )
bonne: fix inverse map projection computations when lat_1 < 0 (#3849 )
WKT1 ESRI import/export: fix GCS name for EPSG:8353 S-JTSK_[JTSK03]_Krovak_East_North (#3851 )
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