A app to sell and rent property in UAE built with Rapid Api Bayut
- Users can visit the website to find information about the properties listed in UAE.
- It has a Sell or Rent Category and a filter section where users can filter properties by price, location, types of properties, and many more.
- Provided detailed property information for each listing to enhance user experience.
- Integrated with Bayut API via RapidAPI to retrieve real estate listings efficiently.
- Leveraged Next.js for server-side rendering (SSR) and Tailwind CSS for styling to build a responsive and user-friendly real estate listing website.
- Live Site URL: PropFinder
- Next.js - React framework
- React - JS library
- Chakra UI - UI library for React
- TailwindCss - UI library for React
- Mobile-first workflow
-Follow me on Twitter - @Omesh_Sharma