The Omphalos Project is the home of the next generation Modern Object Pascal compiler, libraries, tooling and IDE integrations.
The Modern Object Pascal programming language is highly underrated and haven't been given the spotlight it deserves. What might not be known to many, is that Object Pascal is still modern and capable of competing with the well known languages like C/C++, Rust and so on. With the latter, Modern Object Pascal already have safety features which makes it ideal to construct more safe software. The Omphalos compiler aims to follow the Delphi dialect of Modern Object Pascal and expand on this further by carefully adding valuable language extensions to the dialect and adding mechanisms to the compiler with further helps the developer writting better code.
Unlike Rust and other C derived languages, Modern Object Pascal has a clear, concises and easy to learn syntax which comes natural to developers and already at this point, help avoid the common mistakes made in a compiled language. This also lowers the barrier of entry and even makes it fun to learn and program software.
Besides the compiler itself, you'll also find libraries and tooling to support writing good and maintainable software, along with IDE integrations.
The compiler and supporting libraries will be released under a permissive license to facilitate and encourage usage in commercial software development without risking license compliance issues.
The world needs more native compiled and good software - and Modern Object Pascal.
Some might wonder "Why Omphalos?". Object Pascal was made popular - and still is, with the Delphi Object Pascal dialect and its powerful, modern IDE which has unmatched features other IDEs still don't have. As part of the ancient Greek mythology, Omphalos became the center stone of Delphi and seen as a vessel to talk to the ancient Greek gods. While the project does not aim to talk to gods, it certainly aims to become the center stone of writing powerful software, unleashing the power of Delphi while being committed to a backwards compatible and stable syntax to secure your long term investment in writing robust software products.