5.2.0 / EfCore 2.0.0 / Aspnetcore 0.2.0
AspNetCore 0.2.0
- Fix data corruption bug in 0.1.2 for large requests (#379)
- Prevent problem where output buffer becomes incorrect when parsing large requests from the client on x86 systems.
- Improved handling of operation cancelled exceptions (#381) by @SandstromErik
- Swallow or return completed task instead of throwing OperationCanceledExceptions
The release also contains the following fixes since 0.1.0 (0.1.2 was unlisted due to data corruption)
- AspNetCore: Prevention for DOS attacks where attacker specify large content-length #373
- AspNetCore: Use route order 0 instead of 1 (#357)
EFCore 2.0.0
- Support for EF Core 6.0 (#385) - by @lindellhugo with help from @ehsangfls code
- Added support for EF Core 6.0 (requires net 6.0)
- Added support for new EF Core attributes
(only EF Core 6)
- Client: Make construktors for Operation classes public to make them more testable (#387)
- Add new public constructors to LoadOperation, InvokeOperation and SubmitOperation
- DomainServiceTestHost improvements (#386):
- Add constructor which accept a single user (IPrincipal)
- BREAKING CHANGE: Constructor taking in Func<> and user does no longer accept null "user"
- use constructor without user in order to use the "default" user
- pass in an "unauthenticated" user to use an "unauthenticated" user
- Remove WCF Depdendency from tooling (#377)
- Updated nuget packages used in tests (#382)