OUDS iOS provides Orange iOS components to developers and a demo application.
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Design system
This repository contains the OUDS iOS library that provides Orange iOS components for its unified design system, but also a demo application showcasing these different components.
You can find the detailed technical documentation online, and also the whole design system.
Details about the project are also available in the wiki.
You can find the available API online on the wiki.
⚠️ This release should not be used as is.
⚠️ This is only an incremental version of OUDS iOS library.
OUDS means Orange Unified Design System.
This is a new design system, again, but unified, trying to merge all requirements of Orange brands and affiliates so as to provide a unique design system, unified across all platforms and for all countries, companies, users and apps. Guidelines for TV, Android, iOS and web environments will be merged in a "cohesive" approach, and any Orange-related softwares including brand apps like Parnasse and Sosh, Orange Innovation Cup apps and Orange countries and affiliates app will use this project in the future.
The project is open source and topics like accessibility and ecodesign should be also managed.
It should replace internal frameworks and also ODS in the near future.
Have a bug or a feature request? Please first search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please open a new issue.
If you want to share ideas or discuss about API, features, components or other topics, you should first open a new discussion. Q&A is more dedicated for help, otherwise feel free to open or update a topic in Ideas. Keep in mind internal or sensitive discussions must be in internal tools, not public ones.
Please read through our contributing guidelines. Included are directions for opening issues, coding standards, and notes on development. More technical details are available also in the DEVELOP file.
Code released under the MIT License. For images and other assets, please refer to the NOTICE.txt.