This is my dot files set. Some might be fairly old and not used but hopefully they might be useful to somebody (:
Unfortunately not everything is nicely packaged by Ubuntu (not at all or old version).
Never install bare apps! Use:
checkinstall ninja install
- mictray Simple yet awesome microphone tray icon.
- Build using meson+valac (gnome compiler).
- alacritty
- autorandr
- Mind to use the python version as it's newer!
- Create your own screen configs.
- i3status-rs
- MangoHud
- neovim Shame Ubuntu! Such an old version.
- tmux Old version in repository.
- xbanish Hide cursor while typing.
- spac+emacs Actually I drop it in favor of VSCodium. Forgive me Mr. Stallman
- polybar Dropped in favor of i3status-rs. Much simpler and cleaner.
- rtags Dropped as I do most of my work in VSCode now and that was for VIM/emacs c++ completition/operations.