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ben-mkiv edited this page Oct 29, 2020 · 9 revisions

Card Writer

Card Writer, writes RFID, MagCards and EEPROMs.


writer = require("component").os_cardwriter

writer.write(String:data, String:displayName, Optional Boolean:locked, Optional Integer:color)
writer.write("Test Data", "Display", true) -- writes data to an magnetic/rfid card, 3rd parameter sets the card to readonly

writer.flash(String:data, String:title, Boolean:writelock) -- flashes data to an eeprom

Will write "Test Data" to a card, name it "Display" and lock it from further writing, the same method works on RFID and MagStrip cards, though the limit on string length is different from both, 64 characters for RFID Cards, and 128 for Magnetic Cards. the first call to write will also assign the card a UUID to help identify your cards.


event, address = event.pull("cardInsert")

The cardInsert event is triggered when a RFID Card or Magnetic Card is inserted.

event, address = event.pull("cardRemove")

The cardRemove event is triggered when you remove the card.

event is the event name, address is the card writer address

Binary Data

If you want to write binary data (eg. encryption keys) to a Magnetic/RFID Card you have to encode it to a String before writing it, and convert it back after reading. This can be done with a OpenComputers Data Card and the encode64/decode64 methods.