This repo is the official implementation of Graph Inductive Biases in Transformers without Message Passing (Ma et al., ICML 2023) [PMLR] [arXiv]
The implementation is based on GraphGPS (Rampasek et al., 2022).
conda create -n grit python=3.9
conda activate grit
# please change the cuda/device version as you need
pip install torch==1.12.1+cu113 torchvision==0.13.1+cu113 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url --trusted-host
pip install torch-scatter torch-sparse torch-cluster torch-spline-conv torch-geometric==2.2.0 -f --trusted-host
# RDKit is required for OGB-LSC PCQM4Mv2 and datasets derived from it.
## conda install openbabel fsspec rdkit -c conda-forge
pip install rdkit
pip install torchmetrics==0.9.1
pip install ogb
pip install tensorboardX
pip install yacs
pip install opt_einsum
pip install graphgym
pip install pytorch-lightning # required by graphgym
pip install setuptools==59.5.0
# distuitls has conflicts with pytorch with latest version of setuptools
# ---- experiment management tools --------
# pip install wandb # the wandb is used in GraphGPS but not used in GRIT (ours); please verify the usability before using.
# pip install mlflow
### mlflow server --backend-store-uri mlruns --port 5000
# Run
python --cfg configs/GRIT/zinc-GRIT.yaml wandb.use False accelerator "cuda:0" optim.max_epoch 2000 seed 41 dataset.dir 'xx/xx/data'
# replace 'cuda:0' with the device to use
# replace 'xx/xx/data' with your data-dir (by default './datasets")
# replace 'configs/GRIT/zinc-GRIT.yaml' with any experiments to run
- Configurations are available under
- Scripts to execute are available under
- will run 4 trials of experiments parallelly on
- will run 4 trials of experiments parallelly on
If you find this work useful, please consider citing:
title = {Graph {Inductive} {Biases} in {Transformers} without {Message} {Passing}},
booktitle = {Proc. {Int}. {Conf}. {Mach}. {Learn}.},
author = {Ma, Liheng and Lin, Chen and Lim, Derek and Romero-Soriano, Adriana and K. Dokania and Coates, Mark and H.S. Torr, Philip and Lim, Ser-Nam},
year = {2023},