build from official image
Erlang is installed, Elixir is installed.
docker run -d parobus/amazonlinux-elixir:latest
This image is based off several office images:
- The most recent Amazon linux
- The relevant Erlang release
- The relevant Elixir image
To upgrade copy the most recent Dockerfile
to another, and then you will need
to either change the FROM to a specific amazon linux version, or edit the install
rpm url for erlang, or edit the copied over contents of the Elixir Dockerfile, then:
1 - docker build <target dir>
2 - docker tag <resulting image> parobus/amazonlinux-elixir:<target>
3 - docker push parobus/amazonlinux-elixir:<target>
Note you will need to be logged in as some with DockerHub priviledges.