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Catalyst v0.5.0

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@erick-xanadu erick-xanadu released this 04 Mar 22:56

New features

  • Catalyst now provides a QJIT compatible catalyst.vmap function, which makes it even easier to modify functions to map over inputs with additional batch dimensions. (#497) (#569)

    When working with tensor/array frameworks in Python, it can be important to ensure that code is written to minimize usage of Python for loops (which can be slow and inefficient), and instead push as much of the computation through to the array manipulation library, by taking advantage of extra batch dimensions.

    For example, consider the following QNode:

    dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=1)
    def circuit(x, y):
        qml.RX(jnp.pi * x[0] + y, wires=0)
        qml.RY(x[1] ** 2, wires=0)
        qml.RX(x[1] * x[2], wires=0)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
    >>> circuit(jnp.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3]), jnp.pi)
    Array(-0.93005586, dtype=float64)

    We can use catalyst.vmap to introduce additional batch dimensions to our input arguments, without needing to use a Python for loop:

    >>> x = jnp.array([[0.1, 0.2, 0.3],
    ...                [0.4, 0.5, 0.6],
    ...                [0.7, 0.8, 0.9]])
    >>> y = jnp.array([jnp.pi, jnp.pi / 2, jnp.pi / 4])
    >>> qjit(vmap(cost))(x, y)
    array([-0.93005586, -0.97165424, -0.6987465 ])

    catalyst.vmap() has been implemented to match the same behaviour of jax.vmap, so should be a drop-in replacement in most cases. Under-the-hood, it is automatically inserting Catalyst-compatible for loops, which will be compiled and executed outside of Python for increased performance.

  • Catalyst now supports compiling and executing QJIT-compiled QNodes using the CUDA Quantum compiler toolchain. (#477) (#536) (#547)

    Simply import the CUDA Quantum @cudaqjit decorator to use this functionality:

    from catalyst.cuda import cudaqjit

    Or, if using Catalyst from PennyLane, simply specify @qml.qjit(compiler="cuda_quantum").

    The following devices are available when compiling with CUDA Quantum:

    • softwareq.qpp: a modern C++ statevector simulator
    • nvidia.custatevec: The NVIDIA CuStateVec GPU simulator (with support for multi-gpu)
    • nvidia.cutensornet: The NVIDIA CuTensorNet GPU simulator (with support for matrix product state)

    For example:

    dev = qml.device("softwareq.qpp", wires=2)
    def circuit(x):
        qml.RX(x[0], wires=0)
        qml.RY(x[1], wires=1)
        qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliY(0))
    >>> circuit(jnp.array([0.5, 1.4]))

    Note that CUDA Quantum compilation currently does not have feature parity with Catalyst compilation; in particular, AutoGraph, control flow, differentiation, and various measurement statistics (such as probabilities and variance) are not yet supported. Classical code support is also limited.

  • Catalyst now supports just-in-time compilation of static (compile-time constant) arguments. (#476) (#550)

    The @qjit decorator takes a new argument static_argnums, which specifies positional arguments of the decorated function should be treated as compile-time static arguments.

    This allows any hashable Python object to be passed to the function during compilation; the function will only be re-compiled if the hash value of the static arguments change. Otherwise, re-using previous static argument values will result in no re-compilation.

    def f(x, y):
        print(f"Compiling with y={y}")
        return x + y
    >>> f(0.5, 0.3)
    Compiling with y=0.3
    >>> f(0.1, 0.3)  # no re-compilation occurs
    >>> f(0.1, 0.4)  # y changes, re-compilation
    Compiling with y=0.4

    This functionality can be used to support passing arbitrary Python objects to QJIT-compiled functions, as long as they are hashable:

    from dataclasses import dataclass
    class MyClass:
        val: int
        def __hash__(self):
            return hash(str(self))
    def f(x: int, y: MyClass):
        return x + y.val
    >>> f(1, MyClass(5))
    >>> f(1, MyClass(6))  # re-compilation
    >>> f(2, MyClass(5))  # no re-compilation
  • Mid-circuit measurements now support post-selection and qubit reset when used with the Lightning simulators. (#491) (#507)

    To specify post-selection, simply pass the postselect argument to the catalyst.measure function:

    dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=1)
    def f():
        m = measure(0, postselect=1)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))

    Likewise, to reset a wire after mid-circuit measurement, simply specify reset=True:

    dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=1)
    def f():
        m = measure(0, reset=True)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))


  • Catalyst now supports Python 3.12 (#532)

  • The JAX version used by Catalyst has been updated to v0.4.23. (#428)

  • Catalyst now supports the qml.GlobalPhase operation. (#563)

  • Native support for qml.PSWAP and qml.ISWAP gates on Amazon Braket devices has been added. (#458)

    Specifically, a circuit like

    dev = qml.device("braket.local.qubit", wires=2, shots=100)
    def f(x: float):
        qml.PSWAP(x, wires=[0, 1])
        qml.ISWAP(wires=[1, 0])
        return qml.probs()

    would no longer decompose the PSWAP and ISWAP gates.

  • The qml.BlockEncode operator is now supported with Catalyst. (#483)

  • Catalyst no longer relies on a TensorFlow installation for its AutoGraph functionality. Instead, the standalone diastatic-malt package is used and automatically installed as a dependency. (#401)

  • The @qjit decorator will remember previously compiled functions when the PyTree metadata of arguments changes, in addition to also remembering compiled functions when static arguments change. (#522)

    The following example will no longer trigger a third compilation:

    def func(x):
        return x
    >>> func([1,]);             # list
    >>> func((2,));             # tuple
    >>> func([3,]);             # list

    Note however that in order to keep overheads low, changing the argument type or shape (in a promotion incompatible way) may override a previously stored function (with identical PyTree metadata and static argument values):

    def func(x):
        return x
    >>> func(jnp.array(1));     # scalar
    >>> func(jnp.array([2.]));  # 1-D array
    >>> func(jnp.array(3));     # scalar
  • Catalyst gradient functions (grad, jacobian, vjp, and jvp) now support being applied to functions that use (nested) container types as inputs and outputs. This includes lists and dictionaries, as well as any data structure implementing the PyTree protocol. (#500) (#501) (#508) (#549)

    dev = qml.device("lightning.qubit", wires=1)
    def circuit(phi, psi):
        qml.RY(phi, wires=0)
        qml.RX(psi, wires=0)
        return [{"expval0": qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))}, qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))]
    psi = 0.1
    phi = 0.2
    >>> qjit(jacobian(circuit, argnum=[0, 1]))(psi, phi)
    [{'expval0': (array(-0.0978434), array(-0.19767681))}, (array(-0.0978434), array(-0.19767681))]
  • Support has been added for linear algebra functions which depend on computing the eigenvalues of symmetric matrices, such as np.sqrt_matrix(). (#488)

    For example, you can compile qml.math.sqrt_matrix:

    def workflow(A):
        B = qml.math.sqrt_matrix(A)
        return B @ A

    Internally, this involves support for lowering the eigenvectors/values computation lapack method lapack_dsyevd via stablehlo.custom_call.

  • Additional debugging functions are now available in the catalyst.debug directory. (#529) (#522)

    This includes:

    • filter_static_args(args, static_argnums) to remove static values from arguments using the
      provided index list.

    • get_cmain(fn, *args) to return a C program that calls a jitted function with the provided

    • print_compilation_stage(fn, stage) to print one of the recorded compilation stages for a
      JIT-compiled function.

    For more details, please see the catalyst.debug documentation.

  • Remove redundant copies of TOML files for lightning.kokkos and lightning.qubit. (#472)

    lightning.kokkos and lightning.qubit now ship with their own TOML file. As such, we use the TOML file provided by them.

  • Capturing quantum circuits with many gates prior to compilation is now quadratically faster (up to a factor), by removing qextract_p and qinst_p from forced-order primitives. (#469)

  • Update AllocateQubit and AllocateQubits in LightningKokkosSimulator to preserve the current state-vector before qubit re-allocations in the runtime dynamic qubits management. (#479)

  • The PennyLane custom compiler entry point name convention has changed, necessitating a change to the Catalyst entry points. (#493)

Breaking changes

  • Catalyst gradient functions now match the Jax convention for the returned axes of gradients, Jacobians, VJPs, and JVPs. As a result, the returned tensor shape from various Catalyst gradient functions may differ compared to previous versions of Catalyst. (#500) (#501) (#508)

  • The Catalyst Python frontend has been partially refactored. The impact on user-facing functionality is minimal, but the location of certain classes and methods used by the package may have changed. (#529) (#522)

    The following changes have been made:

    • Some debug methods and features on the QJIT class have been turned into free functions and moved to the catalyst.debug module, which will now appear in the public documention. This includes compiling a program from IR, obtaining a C program to invoke a compiled function from, and printing fine-grained MLIR compilation stages.

    • The module has been renamed to, and certain functionality has been moved out (see following items).

    • A new module now manages low-level access to compiled functions.

    • A new module tracing/ handles functionality related managing arguments and type signatures during the tracing process.

    • The module has been moved from utils to the new tracing sub-module.

Internal changes

  • Changes to the runtime QIR API and dependencies, to avoid symbol conflicts with other libraries that utilize QIR. (#464) (#470)

    The existing Catalyst runtime implements QIR as a library that can be linked against a QIR module. This works great when Catalyst is the only implementor of QIR, however it may generate symbol conflicts when used alongside other QIR implementations.

    To avoid this, two changes were necessary:

    • The Catalyst runtime now has a different API from QIR instructions.

      The runtime has been modified such that QIR instructions are lowered to functions where the __quantum__ part of the function name is replaced with __catalyst__. This prevents the possibility of symbol conflicts with other libraries that implement QIR as a library.

    • The Catalyst runtime no longer depends on QIR runner's stdlib.

      We no longer depend nor link against QIR runner's stdlib. By linking against QIR runner's stdlib, some definitions persisted that may be different than ones used by third party implementors. To prevent symbol conflicts QIR runner's stdlib was removed and is no longer linked against. As a result, the following functions are now defined and implemented in Catalyst's runtime:

      • int64_t __catalyst__rt__array_get_size_1d(QirArray *)
      • int8_t *__catalyst__rt__array_get_element_ptr_1d(QirArray *, int64_t)

      and the following functions were removed since the frontend does not generate them

      • QirString *__catalyst__rt__qubit_to_string(QUBIT *)
      • QirString *__catalyst__rt__result_to_string(RESULT *)
  • Fix an issue when no qubit number was specified for the qinst primitive. The primitive now correctly deduces the number of qubits when no gate parameters are present. This change is not user facing. (#496)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where differentiation of sliced arrays would result in an error. (#552)

    def f(x):
      return jax.numpy.sum(x[::2])
    x = jax.numpy.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4])
    >>> catalyst.qjit(catalyst.grad(f))(x)
    [1. 0. 1. 0.]
  • Fixed a bug where quantum control applied to a subcircuit was not correctly mapping wires, and the wires in the nested region remained unchanged. (#555)

  • Catalyst will no longer print a warning that recompilation is triggered when a @qjit decorated function with no arguments is invoke without having been compiled first, for example via the use of target="mlir". (#522)

  • Fixes a bug in the configuration of dynamic shaped arrays that would cause certain program to error with TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable ShapedArray object. (#526)

    This is fixed by replacing the code which updates the JAX_DYNAMIC_SHAPES option with a transient_jax_config() context manager which temporarily sets the value of JAX_DYNAMIC_SHAPES to True and then restores the original configuration value following the yield. The context manager is used by trace_to_jaxpr() and lower_jaxpr_to_mlir().

  • Exceptions encountered in the runtime when using the @qjit option async_qnodes=Tue will now be properly propagated to the frontend. (#447) (#510)

    This is done by:

    • changeing to llvm.invoke
    • setting async runtime tokens and values to be errors
    • deallocating live tokens and values
  • Fixes a bug when computing gradients with the indexing/slicing, by fixing the scatter operation lowering when updatedWindowsDim is empty. (#475)

  • Fix the issue in LightningKokkos::AllocateQubits with allocating too many qubit IDs on qubit re-allocation. (#473)

  • Fixed an issue where wires was incorrectly set as <Wires = [<WiresEnum.AnyWires: -1>]> when using catalyst.adjoint and catalyst.ctrl, by adding a wires property to these operations. (#480)

  • Fix the issue with multiple lapack symbol definitions in the compiled program by updating the stablehlo.custom_call conversion pass. (#488)


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Mikhail Andrenkov,
Ali Asadi,
David Ittah,
Tzung-Han Juang,
Erick Ochoa Lopez,
Romain Moyard,
Raul Torres,
Haochen Paul Wang.