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Implementation of BCI2000Remote as .NET Standard




Consists of a class, BCI2000Remote, which handles connection and communication with BCI2000's operator by sending commands over tcp, essentially an automated command line.


BCI2000Remote communicates with BCI2000 over tcp by sending Operator Scripting Commands and receiving and processing responses. After sending a command, BCI2000Remote will usually receive either a '>' (Prompt), if the command produces no output and no errors, the output of the command, or any error that the command produces.

Options and Properties

Timeout The timeout, in milliseconds, for sending and receiving commands, default 1000.

TelnetIP The IP at which to connect to the Operator, default Note: Don't use "localhost" when setting this, as this causes errors due to ambiguity in name resolution.

TelnetPort The port to connect to the Operator, default 3999.

OperatorPath The path to the Operator module to start up when there is no running operator at the IP and port specified, will always connect on localhost, at the previously given port.

LogFile The path to the file to write the log. This is overwritten on Connect(), default "logFile.txt", in the working directory of the calling application.

LogStates Whether or not to log commands to set a state, as well as the received Prompt if the command produces no errors, default false.

LogPrompts Whether or not to log any Prompt, in which case only received output and errors will be logged, default true.

StopOnQuit Whether or not to stop the Operator run when ending BCI2000Remote, default true.

DisconnectOnQuit Whether or not to disconnect from and/or terminate the Operator module when ending BCI2000Remote, default true.

Logging and Debugging Properties

All of these properties are written to the LogFile whenever they are changed, except for the cases set by LogStates and LogPrompts.

Result The result of a method, usually represents any error in execution of a method. Always set either by the instance of BCI2000Remote it is a member of, and reset whenever Execute() is called.

Sending The command being sent to the operator.

Received The received data from the operator after a command is sent, as a string. Set whenever Execute() is called.

Response The received data after it has been processed by BCI2000Remote. Generally only for internal use.


All methods return a boolean representing their successful execution, while any data output is handled by passing in a reference.

Connect() Attempts to connect to a running operator at TelnetIp:TelnetPort, then attempts to start the operator at OperatorPath, and connect at

Disconnect() Terminates operator if it was started by a previous Connect() call, then closes tcp connection.

Connected() Returns whether BCI2000Remote is connected to the operator.

StartupModules(Dictionary<string module, List<string> arguments>) Starts up modules in the Operator's directory. Takes a dictionary of type <string, List>, with the keys being the module name, and the values being whatever command line arguments are being passed to the module. Automatically appends "--" to the beginning of arguments and "--local" to the list of arguments. Pass null to arguments to only run modules with --local

LoadParametersRemote(string path) Loads parameters from a file on the Operator's machine.

LoadParametersLocal(string path) Loads parameters from a local parameter file Might not work at the moment, recommended to use LoadParametersRemote if running operator locally.

SetParameter(string name, string value) Sets a parameter to a value.

GetParameter(string name, ref string value) Gets a parameter's value, and stores it in the given string reference.

Start() Starts a new run of the operator.

Stop() Stops the operator if it is running.

AddStateVariable(string name, int bitWidth, double startingValue) Adds a state variable.

SetStateVariable(string name, double value) Sets a state variable.

GetStateVariable(string name, ref double value) Gets a state variable's value and stores it at the given reference.

GetSystemState(ref string state) Gets the system's state, and stores it at the given reference.

Execute(string command, optional ref int outCode) Executes a given command. The outCode is used when a command returns a value that is easily interpretable as true or false, in which case it will be 1 for true and 0 for false, or -1 for anything not interpretable. If the command returns a number for an exit code, the outCode will be 0. This is reversed from the original BCI2000Remote due to BCI2000RemoteNET using 1 to represent true and success, and to avoid confusion about 0 being true. If a command needs to return something other than an exit code, don't use outCode, as the response will be stored at Received or Response. In most cases the override Execute(string command) will be used.


Implementation of BCI2000Remote in .NET Standard 2.0.







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