Project of team 4 for course GLO-3013 at Laval University
Our team is called "Robot culinaire"!
We have three main applications and some development scripts, each with their own README :
: Python application communicating withstation
using ROSstation
: Python application communicating withrobot
using ROS andfrontend
using websocketsfrontend
: Vue.js application communicating withstation
using websocketsscripts
: Development scripts for testing different functionalities
With Docker Compose :
docker-compose build
docker-compose build --no-cache # If you have issues with packages not updating or installing
Without Docker Compose : refer to each app's file.
With Docker Compose :
docker-compose up
If you have issues with the Docker network, use docker system prune -a
Without Docker Compose : refer to each app's file.
Each app will run on :
- Robot : localhost:3000 (CAN CHANGE)
- Station : localhost:4000 (CAN CHANGE)
- Frontend : localhost:5000
Before contributing to the project, please read our contribution guide. Also, please refer to each app's file.
: Read full license