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Pilot CLI

Run Tests Python


Command line tool that allows the user to execute data operations on the platform.

Built With

Getting Started


Run with Python

  1. Install dependencies (optional: run in edit mode).

       poetry install
       # for windows use poetry install --extras "windows"
       poetry run python app/ --help
  2. Add environment variables if needed.

    1. Create a .env file in the root directory of the project.
    2. Sdd following two environmental varibles to the .env file.
      • api_url: the url that the api server is hosted on. default is
      • keycloak_realm_url: thr url that the keycloak server is hosted on. default is

Run from bundled application

  1. Navigate to the appropriate directory for your system.



./app/bundled_app/linux/pilotcli --help

Compatible versions

Cli Version Pilot Release Version Compatible Version
3.15.0 2.14.2 2.14.2
3.15.1 2.14.2 2.14.2
3.15.2 2.15 2.15

Build Instructions

  1. Each system has its own credential, so building should be done after the updated the env file.

  2. Run build commands for your system.

    Linux example for each environment:

     pyinstaller -F --distpath ./app/bundled_app/linux --specpath ./app/build/linux --workpath ./app/build/linux --paths=./.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages ./app/ -n <app-name>

    Note: Building for ARM Mac may require a newer version of pyinstaller.

    Or Windows example:

     # remember to remove the poetry.lock file before building for windows
     rm poetry.lock
     pyinstaller -F --distpath ./app/bundled_app/windows --specpath ./app/build/windows --workpath ./app/build/windows --paths=./.venv/Lib/site-packages ./app/ -n <app-name>