pWire Sensor uses the following software for it's build process:
- Install make on your pc
- Install cpplint on your pc (pip can be used see link above)
- Use a IDE to your liking (cevelop supports both makefiles and cute)
Change some code
Adjust tests if necessary or write new ones
Run tests (run in pwire-sensor directory)
make build_test make run_test
Run cpplint (run in pwire-sensor directory)
make lint
For vscode exists an extension for cpplint which can also be used with the config:
{ "editor.suggestSelection": "first", "vsintellicode.modify.editor.suggestSelection": "automaticallyOverrodeDefaultValue", "java.errors.incompleteClasspath.severity": "ignore", "cpplint.filters": [ "-legal/copyright" ], "cpplint.excludes": ["test/cute", ".metadata"] }
Upload to repo (only if 3. and 4. had no errors)
The CI builds the assets for prod but if you are testing with the board and want to build locally the following steps need to be taken (only for linux / in git directory).
- Install arduino-cli (run in pwire-sensor directory):
- Set Environment-Variable BINDIR to a directory within your PATH e.g.
export $BINDIR=/bin
make prepare
- Set Environment-Variable BINDIR to a directory within your PATH e.g.
make build_prod
make upload_prod PORT=<path of port>