This is the repositiory of the SPWL-Protocol reference implementation.
This implementation needs at least C++17
The implementation uses the following software for it's build process:
- Install make on your pc
- Install cpplint on your pc (pip can be used see link above)
- Use a IDE to your liking (cevelop supports both makefiles and cute)
Change some code
Adjust tests if necessary or write new ones
Run tests (run in pwire-server directory)
make build_test make run_test
Run cpplint (run in pwire-server directory)
make lint
For vscode exists an extension for cpplint which can also be used with the config:
{ "editor.suggestSelection": "first", "vsintellicode.modify.editor.suggestSelection": "automaticallyOverrodeDefaultValue", "java.errors.incompleteClasspath.severity": "ignore", "cpplint.filters": [ "-legal/copyright" ], "cpplint.excludes": ["test/cute", ".metadata"] }
Upload to repo (only if 3. and 4. had no errors)