A Phing task for sending messages to a HipChat room.
The preferred way of installation is through Composer. Add rcrowe\phing-hipchat
as a requirement to composer.json:
"require": {
"rcrowe/phing-hipchat": "0.1.*"
Let Phing know about the Hipchat task:
<taskdef name="hipchat" classname="rcrowe\Hippy\PhingTask" />
Basic example
from="Rob Crowe"
msg="build passed" />
All attributes apart from notify
and background
are required.
Properties file
You can also define the attributes as properties (I like to keep mine in a properties file).
<property name="hipchat.token" value="23k4l4jkl234jl234kl24" />
<property name="hipchat.room" value="Hippy" />
<property name="hipchat.from" value="Build Bot" />
<property name="hipchat.notify" value="true" />
<property name="hipchat.background" value="random" />
<hipchat html="<a>Build failed</a>" />
<queue msg="Test 1" />
<queue msg="Test 2" />
<queue msg="Test 3" />
To run all tests
$> ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests
phing-hippy is released under the MIT public license.