Poundpay is a payments platform for marketplaces
Add the following to your Gemfile
gem 'poundpay', '~> 0.3.1'
At the command prompt, install the gem with bundler
bundle install
Create the file config/poundpay.yml and add your configurations. Note: Make sure your YAML file ends with a blank line; otherwise, Ruby will give you a completely unintelligible error message
development: developer_sid: DV0383d447360511e0bbac00264a09ff3c auth_token: c31155b9f944d7aed204bdb2a253fef13b4fdcc6ae1540200449cc4526b2381a callback_url: http://staging.awesomemarketplace.com/payments/callback www_url: https://www-sandbox.poundpay.com api_url: https://api-sandbox.poundpay.com production: developer_sid: DV8dd93f0f3c6411e0863f00264a09ff3c auth_token: d8c4ea1bafd3fcac8c1062a72c22bcdb09321deb1041df257165cd6449def0de callback_url: http://www.awesomemarketplace.com/payments/callback
Create the file config/initializers/poundpay.rb and add the following
Poundpay.configure_from_yaml "config/poundpay.yml"
Protect your callback controller
before_filter :verify_poundpay_callback
@user = Poundpay::User.create( :first_name => "Dart", :last_name => "Master", :email_address => "[email protected]")
@payment = Poundpay::Payment.create( :amount => 20000, :payer_fee_amount => 0, :payer_email_address => "[email protected]", :recipient_fee_amount => 500, :recipient_email_address => "[email protected]", :description => "Beats by Dr. Dre")
<script src="https://www.poundpay.com/js/poundpay.js"></script> <div id="pound-root"></div> <script> function handlePaymentSuccess() { // do something } function handlePaymentError() { // handle error } PoundPay.init({ payment_sid: "<%= @payment.sid %>", success: handlePaymentSuccess, error: handlePaymentError, name: "Fred Nietzsche", // Optional address_street: "330 Townsend St", // Optional address_city: "San Francisco", // Optional address_state: "California", // Optional address_zip: "94107", // Optional server: "<%= Poundpay.www_url %>" }); </script>
payment = Poundpay::Payment.find(payment_sid) payment.escrow # AUTHORIZED -> ESCROWED. Credit card is charged payment.release # ESCROWED or PARTIALLY_RELEASED -> RELEASED. Recipient receives money payment.cancel # ESCROWED or PARTIALLY_RELEASED -> CANCELED. Payer receives refund Poundpay::Payment.batch_update # Batch update a list of payments.
@charge_permission = Poundpay::ChargePermission.create( :email_address => "[email protected]")
<script src="https://www.poundpay.com/js/poundpay.js"></script> <div id="pound-root"></div> <script> function handleChargePermissionSuccess() { // do something } function handleChargePermissionError() { // handle error } PoundPay.init({ charge_permission_sid: "<%= @charge_permission.sid %>", success: handleChargePermissionSuccess, error: handleChargePermissionError, name: "Fred Nietzsche", // Optional address_street: "330 Townsend St", // Optional address_city: "San Francisco", // Optional address_state: "California", // Optional address_zip: "94107", // Optional server: "<%= Poundpay.www_url %>" }); </script>
charge_permission = Poundpay::ChargePermission.find(charge_permission_sid) charge_permission.deactivate # CREATED or ACTIVE -> INACTIVE. Charge permission is deactivated and can no longer be used to authorize payments for the associated payer.
In some cases you may wish to batch authorize and escrow a collection of payments. By doing so there will be only one payer charge for that collection of payments. Note that if you do batch authorize a collection of payments that it must also be batch escrowed.
Batching is designed for shopping carts where you want a collection of payments to appear to appear as a single charge.
In order to use batching you simply need to pass ‘sids` for all payments in the collection you want to batch to the IFrame
<script src="https://www.poundpay.com/js/poundpay.js"></script> <div id="pound-root"></div> <script> function handlePaymentSuccess() { // do something } function handlePaymentError() { // handle error } PoundPay.init({ payment_sid: [ "<%= @payment1.sid %>" "<%= @payment2.sid %>", "<%= @payment3.sid %>" ], success: handlePaymentSuccess, error: handlePaymentError, first_name: "Fred", // Optional last_name: "Nietzsche", // Optional address_street: "990 Guerrero St", // Optional address_city: "San Francisco", // Optional address_state: "California", // Optional address_zip: "94110", // Optional server: "https://www-sandbox.poundpay.com" // Exclude for production }); </script>
Alternatively if you are directly authorizing the payments using a charge permission
Poundpay::Payment.batch_update( :sid => [payment1.sid, payment2.sid, payment3.sid], :status => 'AUTHORIZED')
Finally you’ll need to batch escrow the payments
Poundpay::Payment.batch_update( :sid => [payment1.sid, payment2.sid, payment3.sid], :status => 'ESCROWED')
Notice that if you did the following instead an error would be triggered since batched payments must be authorized and escrowed collectively
payment = Poundpay::Payment.find(payment1_sid) payment.escrow # fails
However if you cancel some of the payments prior to batch escrow you should exclude them from the batch call
payment1 = Poundpay::Payment.find(payment1_sid) payment1.cancel # ok Poundpay::Payment.batch_update( :sid => [payment2.sid, payment3.sid], :status => 'ESCROWED')