All important files are on ./main YOU SHOULD HAVE HIDDEN FILES (.name.ext) FILES VISIBLES. THE READMES OF EACH DIR ARE ""
In main, the files are written in logical order, of writting and using them. They are named in the order that you'd use them. There's even a bash file that runs everything for you.
Link to the google docs with the files that aren't git tracked
On the google drive, there is only the first 30 sdf rather then 2000 of them. I'm aiming for 550 on my machine, which will be like 200ish GB of data. Could be fine tuned. But No time for that.
Anyway, the AI training will be more about potentially showing it could be done. Completing the training or fine tuning the pipe line ish not something i have time to do.
Maybe in my free time, I'll do it later.
Todo List: # Aiming to finish this one tomorrow # Optional, to test the data # Optional, practice, a single mesh. # Takes Finger position and shows the physics animation deformation # Would be nice for scientific purposes, but there's no time I'll time to do that one. // Just the run time itself will take too long.