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GameBoard is a leaderboard and game session management system that allows tracking contestant scores, game popularity, and real-time leaderboards.

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GameBoard API

GameBoard is a leaderboard and game session management system that allows tracking contestant scores, game popularity, and real-time leaderboards.

See views below ⬇️


  • Create and manage games
  • Add contestants and track their game sessions
  • Assign scores to contestants
  • Retrieve leaderboards at game and global levels
  • Compute a game popularity index, refreshing every 5 minutes using Celery

Table of Contents

  1. Setup Instructions
  2. API Documentation
  3. Primary API Endpoints
  4. Celery Tasks & Caching Strategy

Setup Instructions

Using Docker

  1. Clone the Repository
git clone
cd gameboard
  1. Build and Start Containers

Run the following command to build the images and start the services:

docker-compose up --build

This will:

  • Build the Django API container
  • Start a Redis container for Celery
  • Start Celery worker and Celery beat for background tasks 3. Verify the Setup

Once the containers are up, check the running services:

docker ps
  1. Apply Database Migrations

If not already applied, run:

docker-compose exec web python migrate
  1. (Optional) Create a Superuser for Django Admin
docker-compose exec web python createsuperuser
  1. (Optional) Seed Test Data
docker-compose exec web python add_test_data
  1. Access the API & Services

Without Docker

  1. Clone the Repository
git clone
cd gameboard
  1. Create and activate Virtual Environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Set Up the Database
python migrate
  1. Create a Superuser (Optional, for Django Admin)
python createsuperuser
  1. Run Redis (Required for Celery)
  1. Start Celery Worker
celery -A gameboard worker --loglevel=info
  1. Start Celery Beat (For Scheduled Tasks)
celery -A gameboard beat --loglevel=info
  1. Run the Django Development Server
python runserver
  1. Seed Test Data using Management Command in the terminal
python add_test_data

API Documentation

Swagger and ReDoc endpoints:

Primary API Endpoints

1. Get Popularity Rankings

Fetches the popularity scores of all games with pagination and ranking continuity.

Endpoint: GET /api/games/popularity-leaderboard/

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description Example
date string No Fetch rankings for a specific date (YYYY-MM-DD). Defaults to today. ?date=2025-02-09
page int No Fetch a specific page of results. ?page=2
page_size int No Number of results per page (max 100). Defaults to 10. ?page_size=5

Example Request:

GET /api/games/popularity-leaderboard/?page=1&page_size=2

Example Response:

  "count": 5,
  "next": "",
  "previous": null,
  "results": {
    "games": [
        "game_id": "0194e9d7-7384-cd62-882b-6e25d03a59ee",
        "game__name": "Chess",
        "popularity_score": 0.6,
        "rank": 1
        "game_id": "0194e9d7-7386-4c61-d596-4db5a6772fae",
        "game__name": "Fortnite",
        "popularity_score": 0.59,
        "rank": 2

2. Get Global Leaderboard

Fetches the top players across all games, ranked by their total scores.

Endpoint: GET /api/leaderboard/global/

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description Example
page int No Fetch a specific page of results. ?page=2
page_size int No Number of results per page (max 100). Defaults to 10. ?page_size=5

Example Request:

GET /api/leaderboard/?page=1&page_size=3

Example Response:

  "count": 10,
  "next": "",
  "previous": null,
  "results": {
    "leaderboard": [
        "contestant_id": "0194e9d7-738b-ed42-3738-6c34467bad34",
        "contestant__name": "Player_9",
        "total_score": 99,
        "rank": 1
        "contestant_id": "0194e9d7-738a-41f9-446c-c3637079e458",
        "contestant__name": "Player_7",
        "total_score": 98,
        "rank": 2
        "contestant_id": "0194e9d7-7389-e2ed-b43f-34df291def7f",
        "contestant__name": "Player_4",
        "total_score": 91,
        "rank": 3

3. Get Game-Specific Leaderboard

Fetches the top players for a specific game, ranked by their scores in that game.

Endpoint: GET /api/leaderboard/game/{game_id}/

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description Example
page int No Fetch a specific page of results. ?page=2
page_size int No Number of results per page (max 100). Defaults to 10. ?page_size=5

Example Request:

GET /api/leaderboard/game/0194e9d7-7384-cd62-882b-6e25d03a59ee/?page=1&page_size=5

Example Response:

  "count": 4,
  "next": "",
  "previous": null,
  "results": {
    "leaderboard": [
        "contestant": "0194e9d7-738a-41f9-446c-c3637079e458",
        "contestant__name": "Player_7",
        "total_score": 98,
        "rank": 1
        "contestant": "0194e9d7-738b-2a05-4d0e-93e3922d6a5c",
        "contestant__name": "Player_8",
        "total_score": 90,
        "rank": 2
        "contestant": "0194e9d7-7388-5346-d843-d0f5a7efeb20",
        "contestant__name": "Player_2",
        "total_score": 50,
        "rank": 3

Celery Tasks & Caching Strategy

Celery Tasks & Their Schedule

  1. Cache Popularity Factors & Maximum Values

    • Task: Computes and caches non-changing popularity factors for games, such as:
      • Number of players who played yesterday
      • Maximum session length for a game (from yesterday’s sessions)
      • Total sessions played yesterday
    • Schedule: Runs once every 24 hours since these values do not change throughout the day.
  2. Refresh Game Popularity Scores

    • Task: Updates the popularity score for each game based on both cached and real-time values. It uses:
      • Cached non-changing factors (from the previous task)
      • Dynamic values (e.g., current active players, upvotes) fetched in real time
    • Schedule: Runs every 5 minutes to keep scores updated while avoiding excessive database queries.

Caching Strategy

  • Cached for 24 Hours (Non-Changing Factors)

    • Yesterday’s Player Count per Game
    • Maximum Session Length per Game
    • Yesterday’s Total Sessions per Game
    • Global Maximum Values for Normalization (e.g., max upvotes, max daily players)
  • Cached for 5 Minutes (Dynamic Factors)

    • Popularity Scores: Stored briefly to avoid unnecessary recalculations but remain up to date.

By separating static and dynamic factors, caching ensures efficient computation while keeping real-time data accurate. 🚀


Home Page

Global Leaderboard

Game Level Leaderboard

Date level Leaderboard

Game Popularity Index


GameBoard is a leaderboard and game session management system that allows tracking contestant scores, game popularity, and real-time leaderboards.






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