GameBoard is a leaderboard and game session management system that allows tracking contestant scores, game popularity, and real-time leaderboards.
See views below ⬇️
- Create and manage games
- Add contestants and track their game sessions
- Assign scores to contestants
- Retrieve leaderboards at game and global levels
- Compute a game popularity index, refreshing every 5 minutes using Celery
- Clone the Repository
git clone
cd gameboard
- Build and Start Containers
Run the following command to build the images and start the services:
docker-compose up --build
This will:
- Build the Django API container
- Start a Redis container for Celery
- Start Celery worker and Celery beat for background tasks 3. Verify the Setup
Once the containers are up, check the running services:
docker ps
- Apply Database Migrations
If not already applied, run:
docker-compose exec web python migrate
- (Optional) Create a Superuser for Django Admin
docker-compose exec web python createsuperuser
- (Optional) Seed Test Data
docker-compose exec web python add_test_data
- Access the API & Services
- API Base URL:
- Django Admin:
- Swagger UI:
- ReDoc:
- Clone the Repository
git clone
cd gameboard
- Create and activate Virtual Environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install Dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set Up the Database
python migrate
- Create a Superuser (Optional, for Django Admin)
python createsuperuser
- Run Redis (Required for Celery)
- Start Celery Worker
celery -A gameboard worker --loglevel=info
- Start Celery Beat (For Scheduled Tasks)
celery -A gameboard beat --loglevel=info
- Run the Django Development Server
python runserver
- The server will run at
- Access Django Admin at using the username and password you used earlier.
- Access all APIs at
- Seed Test Data using Management Command in the terminal
python add_test_data
Swagger and ReDoc endpoints:
- Swagger UI:
- ReDoc:
Fetches the popularity scores of all games with pagination and ranking continuity.
Endpoint: GET /api/games/popularity-leaderboard/
Query Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
date |
string | No | Fetch rankings for a specific date (YYYY-MM-DD ). Defaults to today. |
?date=2025-02-09 |
page |
int | No | Fetch a specific page of results. | ?page=2 |
page_size |
int | No | Number of results per page (max 100). Defaults to 10. | ?page_size=5 |
Example Request:
GET /api/games/popularity-leaderboard/?page=1&page_size=2
Example Response:
"count": 5,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": {
"games": [
"game_id": "0194e9d7-7384-cd62-882b-6e25d03a59ee",
"game__name": "Chess",
"popularity_score": 0.6,
"rank": 1
"game_id": "0194e9d7-7386-4c61-d596-4db5a6772fae",
"game__name": "Fortnite",
"popularity_score": 0.59,
"rank": 2
Fetches the top players across all games, ranked by their total scores.
Endpoint: GET /api/leaderboard/global/
Query Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
page |
int | No | Fetch a specific page of results. | ?page=2 |
page_size |
int | No | Number of results per page (max 100). Defaults to 10. | ?page_size=5 |
Example Request:
GET /api/leaderboard/?page=1&page_size=3
Example Response:
"count": 10,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": {
"leaderboard": [
"contestant_id": "0194e9d7-738b-ed42-3738-6c34467bad34",
"contestant__name": "Player_9",
"total_score": 99,
"rank": 1
"contestant_id": "0194e9d7-738a-41f9-446c-c3637079e458",
"contestant__name": "Player_7",
"total_score": 98,
"rank": 2
"contestant_id": "0194e9d7-7389-e2ed-b43f-34df291def7f",
"contestant__name": "Player_4",
"total_score": 91,
"rank": 3
Fetches the top players for a specific game, ranked by their scores in that game.
Endpoint: GET /api/leaderboard/game/{game_id}/
Query Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
page |
int | No | Fetch a specific page of results. | ?page=2 |
page_size |
int | No | Number of results per page (max 100). Defaults to 10. | ?page_size=5 |
Example Request:
GET /api/leaderboard/game/0194e9d7-7384-cd62-882b-6e25d03a59ee/?page=1&page_size=5
Example Response:
"count": 4,
"next": "",
"previous": null,
"results": {
"leaderboard": [
"contestant": "0194e9d7-738a-41f9-446c-c3637079e458",
"contestant__name": "Player_7",
"total_score": 98,
"rank": 1
"contestant": "0194e9d7-738b-2a05-4d0e-93e3922d6a5c",
"contestant__name": "Player_8",
"total_score": 90,
"rank": 2
"contestant": "0194e9d7-7388-5346-d843-d0f5a7efeb20",
"contestant__name": "Player_2",
"total_score": 50,
"rank": 3
Cache Popularity Factors & Maximum Values
- Task: Computes and caches non-changing popularity factors for games, such as:
- Number of players who played yesterday
- Maximum session length for a game (from yesterday’s sessions)
- Total sessions played yesterday
- Schedule: Runs once every 24 hours since these values do not change throughout the day.
- Task: Computes and caches non-changing popularity factors for games, such as:
Refresh Game Popularity Scores
- Task: Updates the popularity score for each game based on both cached and real-time values. It uses:
- Cached non-changing factors (from the previous task)
- Dynamic values (e.g., current active players, upvotes) fetched in real time
- Schedule: Runs every 5 minutes to keep scores updated while avoiding excessive database queries.
- Task: Updates the popularity score for each game based on both cached and real-time values. It uses:
Cached for 24 Hours (Non-Changing Factors)
- Yesterday’s Player Count per Game
- Maximum Session Length per Game
- Yesterday’s Total Sessions per Game
- Global Maximum Values for Normalization (e.g., max upvotes, max daily players)
Cached for 5 Minutes (Dynamic Factors)
- Popularity Scores: Stored briefly to avoid unnecessary recalculations but remain up to date.
By separating static and dynamic factors, caching ensures efficient computation while keeping real-time data accurate. 🚀