A really SimpleDiary which you can use to do daily Journaling in the Terimal.
To start the SimpleDiary, open the latest version of SimpleDiary with
open a command-line and type in the word python, or python3 if you have both versions, followed by the path to SimpleDiary, just like this: $ python SimpleDiary.py
what would you like to do?
- a --> to add new conetent to today's entry
- d --> to delete Dairy_DateToDelete of any day
- e --> to exit the program
- n --> to create a new Entry for the Day
- r --> to read th dairy of
how to add a new line?
To write a line on a new line in the dairy type two spaces The data after two spaces will be written in a new line
To see the keywords
To create a New Entry for the day. This entry is saved in as a text file with name /Dairy_EntryDate The text file can be viewed using any text ediotor or can use the read instruction The Entry after confirmation can not be edited
To add a new Entry to the day The Entry after confirmation can not be edited
To read Diary of Any Day you enter
To Delete any Entry
Create a Folder and add the path toh the line 20 of the program in "saveFolder"