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Scripting Library: Card. methods

Naim edited this page Aug 9, 2024 · 13 revisions
return type function description
void Card.AddAdditionalAttack(c, atknum, reset, rc, condition, properties) Rush related function
void Card.AddAdditionalAttackOnMonster(c, atknum, reset, rc, condition, properties) Rush related function
void Card.AddAdditionalAttackOnMonsterAll(c, reset, rc, value, condition, properties) Rush related function
void Card.AddCannotBeDestroyedBattle(c, reset, value, rc, condition, properties) Rush related function
void Card.AddCannotBeDestroyedEffect(c, ctype, reset, rc, condition, properties) Rush related function
void Card.AddCenterToSideEffectHandler(c, eff) Rush related function
bool Card.AddCounter(Card c, int countertype, int count[, int singly=false]) Adds a number (int count) of the specified counter (int countertype) to a card (Card c). If singly is set to a number, then it will be added by that number each time. When the number of added counter would exceed the limit for that card, it is not added.
void Card.AddDirectAttack(c, reset, rc, condition, properties) Rush related function
void Card.AddDoubleTribute(c, id, otfilter, eftg, reset, ...) Rush related function
void Card.AddMaximumAtkHandler(c) Rush related function
void Card.AddMonsterAttribute(Card c, int extra_type, [int attribute, int race, int level, int atk, int def]) Transforms a card (Card c) to a monster. The card type will become TYPE_MONSTER + extra_type. Uses the values if provided, otherwise uses the card's own values in Database. Be aware that the values added using this (except for Card type) will be reset when the card is flipped face-down.
void Card.AddMonsterAttributeComplete(Card c) Used in conjunction with Card.AddMonsterAttribute, completes a card's (Card c) transformation to a monster. It is best to call this after the card has arrived in Monster Zone (i.e. after Duel.SpecialSummonStep). Does nothing with cards without EFFECT_PRE_MONSTER (added automatically by Card.AddMonsterAttribute).
void Card.AddNoTributeCheck(c, id, stringid, rangeP1, rangeP2) to be added. Available in proc_maximum.lua
void Card.AddPiercing(c, reset, rc, condition, properties) to be added. Available in proc_maximum.lua
table Card.AddSetcodesRule(Card c, int code, bool copyable, int ...) to be added. Available in utility.lua
void Card.AddSideMaximumHandler(c, eff) Rush related function
void|int Card.Alias(Card c[, int code]) Changes (Card c)'s alias if (int code) is inputted, else returns the current card's alias.
int Card.AnnounceAnotherAttribute(Card c, int player) Makes (int player) announce an attribute different from the one(s) (Card c) currently has
int Card.AnnounceAnotherRace(Card c, int player) Makes (int player) announce a monster type (Race) different from the one(s) (Card c) currently has
void Card.AssumeProperty(Card c, int assume_type, int assume_value) Temporarily assumes a property for a card (Card c). The card will be considered as having an assumed specific property (int assume_type) as the inputted value (int assume_value) (only as long as the function in the in the scope surrouding this function is still processing).
void|int Card.Attack(Card c[, int val]) Changes (Card c)'s original ATK if (int val) is inputted, else returns the current card's original ATK.
void|int Card.Attribute(Card c[, int att]) Changes (Card c)'s original attribute(s) if (int att) is inputted, else returns the current card's original attribute(s).
bool Card.CanAttack(c) to be added. Available in libcard.cpp
bool Card.CanBeDoubleTribute(c, ...) to be added. Available in proc_maximum.lua
void Card.CancelCardTarget(Card c1, Card c2) Removes the second card (Card c2) from the list of the first card (Card c1)'s target
void Card.CancelToGrave(Card c[, bool cancel=true]) if cancel is true, cancels the to-grave rule and movement of a card (Card c). If false, enforce the rule that it must go from the field to Graveyard instead.
bool Card.CanChainAttack(Card c[, int ac = 2, bool monsteronly = false]) Checks if a card (Card c) can make a follow-up attack. Specifying the integer ac checks whether it can attack that number of times. Setting monsteronly to true checks only the possibility of follow-up attack to monster
bool Card.CanGetPiercingRush(c) Rush related function
bool Card.CanSummonOrSet(Card c, bool ignore_count, Effect e|nil[, int min=0]) Returns if the (Card c) can be either Normal Summoned or Set by (Effect e), if it is not nil. If (bool ignore_count) is true, it ignores the standard once per turn summon limit. (int min) is the minimum number of tributes that are required
Effect[,Group,int,int,Effect,int,int] Card.CheckActivateEffect(Card c, bool neglect_con, bool neglect_cost, bool copy_info) Checks a card (Card c)'s EFFECT_TYPE_ACTIVATE effect while checking for whether it can be activated. Returns nil if effect condition is not met. Set neglect_con to true to ignore condition checking. Set neglect_cost to true to ignore cost payable checking. Set copy_info to true to return the activate effect's supposed info, for other than EVENT_FREE_CHAIN usually (eg, ep, ev, r, re, rp)
bool Card.CheckAdjacent(card c) Returns if either of the sequences next to the card c's sequence is available. Already handles the Extra monster zone (sequence > 4). Limited to Monster Zones.
bool Card.CheckEquipTarget(Card c1, Card c2) Checks if Card c1 is a card that can be equipped to Card c2 (checks if c1 is an appropriate equip target to c2).
bool Card.CheckEquipTargetRush(equip, monster) to be added. Available in proc_maximum.lua
bool Card.CheckFusionMaterial(Card c[, Group g, Card gc|nil, int chkf=PLAYER_NONE]) Check if g contains a set of fusion material that c needs [must contain gc] ## Check the Condition function for the effect of EFFECT_FUSION_MATERIAL according to the type of c
bool Card.CheckFusionSubstitute(Card c, Card fc) Checks if a card (Card c) can be treated as a substitute for one of the listed fusion materials used by Card fc).
bool Card.CheckRemoveOverlayCard(Card c, int player, int count, int reason) Checks if the player (int player) can remove a number (int count) of Xyz materials from a Card c for a specific reason (int reason)
bool Card.CheckUniqueOnField(Card c, int check_player[, int check_location=LOCATION_ONFIELD, card icard]) Checks if (Card c) going to a player's (int player) field would violate the "Can only control 1" clause. If (int check_location) is provided, checks for the uniqueness in that location only. (Card icard) is the ignored card.
bool Card.CheckUnionTarget(c, eqc) to be added. Available in libcard.cpp
void Card.ClearEffectRelation(Card c) Clears any relation between a card (Card c) and all effects and chains
void|int Card.Code(Card c[, int code]) Changes (Card c)'s original card name if (int code) is inputted, else returns the current original card name.
void Card.CompleteProcedure(Card c) Makes a card (Card c) be considered that it's Summon procedure is complete
int Card.CopyEffect(Card c, int code, int reset_flag[, int reset_count]) Temporarily adds to a card (Card c) the effect of card with the specified card code (int code) that resets according to the ascribed reset flag (int reset_flag)
int Card.Cover(Card c) Skill related function
void Card.CreateEffectRelation(Card c, Effect e) Creates a relation between a card (Card c) and an effect (Effect e)
void Card.CreateRelation(Card c1, Card c2, int reset_flag) Creates a relation between the first card (Card c1) and the second card (Card c2), which will be reset when the first card hits the reset flag
void|int Card.Defense(Card c[, int val]) Changes (Card c)'s original DEF if (int val) is inputted, else returns the current card's original DEF.
void Card.EnableCounterPermit(Card c, int countertype[, int location]) Makes the card (Card c) able to hold a type of counter (int countertype). If a location is provided (int location), the card will be able to hold counter only when in the specified location.
void Card.EnableGeminiState(Card c) Enables the Gemini effect of a card (Card c). To be deprecated. Use EnableGeminiStatus instead
void Card.EnableGeminiStatus(card c) Enables the Gemini effect of a card (Card c). Alias to Card.EnableGeminiState
void Card.EnableReviveLimit(Card c) Makes a card (Card c) unsummonable except with its own procedure, or after its Summon procedure is complete (for example, all extra deck monsters and Ritual monsters)
void Card.EnableUnsummonable(Card c) Makes a card (Card c) unsummonable except with its own procedure
bool Card.EquipByEffectAndLimitRegister(Card c, Effect e)
bool Card.EquipByEffectLimit(Card c, Effect e, int tp, Card tc, int|nil code, bool mustbefaceup) Equips (Card tc) to (Card c). Adding a (int code) will register that code as flag effect to the equipped card (bool mustbefaceup) defines if the card to be equipped is required to be face-up.
Card Card.FromLuaRef(int ref) Returns a Card object from a given lua reference. The function errors out if the reference is invalid or does not refer to a Card object.
Effect Card.GetActivateEffect(Card c) Gets a card (Card c)'s EFFECT_TYPE_ACTIVATE effect
table Card.GetAllCounters(card c) Returns a table containing all the counters Card c currently has
int Card.GetAttack(Card c) Returns the current ATK of "c".
Group,bool Card.GetAttackableTarget(Card c) Gets a card's (Card c) valid attack targets
int Card.GetAttackAnnouncedCount(Card c) Gets the number of attacks declared by Card c, set to 0 before drawing and when starting second Battle Phase
int Card.GetAttackedCount(Card c) Gets the number of successful(not negated) attacks done by Card c, set to 0 before drawing and when starting second Battle Phase
Group Card.GetAttackedGroup(Card c) Gets a group of cards attacked by Card c, cleared before drawing and when starting second Battle Phase
int Card.GetAttackedGroupCount(Card c) Gets the number of cards attacked by Card c, set to 0 before drawing and when starting second Battle Phase
int Card.GetAttribute(Card c[, Card scard|nil, int sumtype = 0, int playerid = PLAYER_NONE]) Returns the current Attribute of "c" (if it is to be used as material for "scard" with Summon type "sumtype" by player "playerid").
int Card.GetBaseAttack(Card c) Returns the original ATK of "c".
int Card.GetBaseDefense(Card c) Returns the original DEF of "c".
Group Card.GetBattledGroup(Card c) Gets a Group of cards that are battled (all the attacking and the attacked cards), cleared at predraw and when starting second Battle Phase
int Card.GetBattledGroupCount(Card c) Gets the count of cards that has battled (all the attacking and the attacked cards)
int Card.GetBattlePosition(Card c) Returns the position of "c" at the start of the Damage Step (see "Marshmallon").
Card Card.GetBattleTarget(Card c) Gets a card's (Card c) current battle target
Effect|nil, ... Card.GetCardEffect(Card c, [, int effect_code]) Returns all the effects with that code (int effect_code) registered to card (Card c). With no effect_code (effect_code=0) it will return all the effects registered. [effect_code refers to "EFFECT_" constants, eg: EFFECT_NECRO_VALLEY]. If no effect is found, returns nil.
int Card.GetCardID(Card c) Returns the internal card ID that "c" has. This will be unique per card and won't change during the course of the duel.
Group Card.GetCardTarget(Card c) Gets the group of cards that a card (Card c) is assigned targets to
int Card.GetCardTargetCount(Card c) Gets the number of targets that a card (Card c) is assigned to
int[,int] Card.GetCode(Card c) Returns the current code (ID/name) of the card "c".
Group Card.GetColumnGroup(Card c[, int left|nil, int right|nil]) Returns a group with all the cards that are in the same column as "c". If "left" or "right" are provided, the returned group will also include the cards from the N columns on the left or right of "c" respectively, where N is the number passed for the "left" or "right" parameter.
int Card.GetColumnGroupCount(Card c[, int left|nil, int right|nil]) Returns the number of cards that are in the same column as "c". If "left" or "right" are provided, the returned number will also include the cards from the N columns on the left or right of "c" respectively, where N is the number passed for the "left" or "right" parameter.
int Card.GetColumnZone(Card c, int loc[, int left|nil, int right|nil, int cp = c:GetControler()|nil]) Returns all the zones in the same column as "c" that are part of the location "loc". If "cp" is provided, the returned zones will only include the ones that belong to player "cp". If "left" or "right" are provided, the returned zones will also include the ones from the N columns on the left or right of "c" respectively, where N is the number passed for the "left" or "right" parameter.
int Card.GetControler(Card c) Returns the controller of "c".
int Card.GetCounter(Card c, int countertype) Returns the number of counters of a specific type (int countertype) on a card (Card c).
int Card.GetDefense(Card c) Returns the current DEF of "c".
int Card.GetDestination(Card c) Returns the location that "c" would be sent to (e.g. when it would be destroyed).
int Card.GetEffectCount(Card c, int code) Gets the amount of an Effect (EFFECT_x) registered to a Card (Card c)
int Card.GetEquipCount(Card c) Gets the number of cards equipped to a Card (Card c)
Group Card.GetEquipGroup(Card c) Gets a Group of Cards equipped to a Card (Card c)
Card Card.GetEquipTarget(Card c) Gets the Card that a Card (Card c) is equipped to
int Card.GetFieldID(Card c) Returns the field ID of "c" when it was placed on the field.
Card Card.GetFirstCardTarget(Card c) Get the first of a card (Card c)'s target cards. A bit faster than Card.GetCardTarget(Card c):GetFirst()
int Card.GetFlagEffect(Card c, int code) Returns the amount of flag effects with (int code) as the effect code that are registered to a card (Card c)
int,... Card.GetFlagEffectLabel(Card c, int code) Gets the integer labels to the flag effect attached to a card (Card c) with (int code) as the effect code, returns nil if there is no integer label.
int Card.GetFreeLinkedZone(Card c) Returns all the zones that "c" points to that are not occupied by a card.
int Card.GetLeaveFieldDest(Card c) Returns the location that "c" would be sent to when it leaves the field, while taking into account effects that redirect that location (e.g. "but banish it if it leaves the field").
int Card.GetLeftScale(Card c) Returns the current left Pendulum Scale of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Pendulum Scale.)
int Card.GetLevel(Card c) Returns the current Level of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Level, e.g. Xyz/Link.)
int Card.GetLink(Card c) Returns the current Link Rating of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Link Rating.)
int Card.GetLinkMarker(Card c) Returns the combined link markers Card c has. The return value can be bitmasked to extract specific markers.
Group Card.GetLinkedGroup(Card c) Returns a group with all the cards that "c" points to. (Returns an empty group if it does not point to any cards.)
int Card.GetLinkedGroupCount(Card c) Returns the number of cards that "c" points to.
int Card.GetLinkedZone(Card c[, int cp = c:GetControler()]) Returns all the zones that "c" points to (on the field of player "cp").
int Card.GetLocation(Card c) Returns the location of "c".
int Card.GetLuaRef(Card c) Returns an integer representing the internal value used by lua to access the Card c.
Group Card.GetMaterial(Card c) Gets the material which was used as cost for a Card (Card c)
int Card.GetMaterialCount(Card c) Gets the number of materials used as cost for a Card (Card c)
int Card.GetMaximumAttack(c)
table Card.GetMetatable(card c, code current_code) Similar to Duel.GetMetatable, but if current_code is true it behaves as if it were Duel.GetMetatable(c:GetCode()), otherwise it returns the __index field of the card's object (this difference only matters when a card's id is not its original one, like when copying names via effect or having an alias)
Group Card.GetMutualLinkedGroup(Card c) Returns a group with all the cards that are co-linked with "c". (Returns an empty group if there are none.)
int Card.GetMutualLinkedGroupCount(Card c) Returns the number of cards that are co-linked with "c".
int Card.GetMutualLinkedZone(Card c, int cp = c:GetControler()) Gets all zones that (Card c) points to as part of a co-Link, that belong to player (int cp)
int Card.GetOriginalAttribute(Card c) Returns the original Attribute of "c".
int Card.GetOriginalCode(Card c) Returns the original printed code (ID/name) of the card "c".
int, int Card.GetOriginalCodeRule(Card c) Returns the original code (ID/name) of the card "c" while taking into account name clauses/alias (used for the "original name" wording).
int Card.GetOriginalLeftScale(Card c) Returns the original left Pendulum Scale of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Pendulum Scale.)
int Card.GetOriginalLevel(Card c) Returns the original Level of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Level, e.g. Xyz/Link.)
int Card.GetOriginalRace(Card c) Returns the original Monster Type of "c".
int Card.GetOriginalRank(Card c) Returns the original Rank of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Rank.)
int Card.GetOriginalRightScale(Card c) Returns the original right Pendulum Scale of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Pendulum Scale.)
int ... Card.GetOriginalSetCard(Card c) Returns the original archetype(s) that "c" is a part of.
int Card.GetOriginalType(Card c) Returns the original card type (Monster/Spell/Trap) of "c".
int Card.GetOverlayCount(Card c) Gets the number of cards overlayed to a Card (Card c)
Group Card.GetOverlayGroup(Card c) Gets the cards overlayed to a Card (Card c)
Card Card.GetOverlayTarget(Card c) Gets the card that (Card c) is an overlay of
int Card.GetOwner(Card c) Returns the owner of "c".
Group Card.GetOwnerTarget(Card c) Gets a group of cards (including equips) that a card (Card c) is a target of
int Card.GetOwnerTargetCount(Card c) Gets the number of cards (including equips) that a card (Card c) is a target of
int Card.GetPosition(Card c) Returns the current position of "c".
int Card.GetPreviousAttackOnField(Card c) Returns the ATK that "c" had when it was on the field.
int Card.GetPreviousAttributeOnField(Card c) Returns the Attribute that "c" had when it was on the field.
int, int Card.GetPreviousCodeOnField(Card c) Returns the code/ID that "c" had when it was on the field.
int Card.GetPreviousControler(Card c) Returns the previous controller of "c".
int Card.GetPreviousDefenseOnField(Card c) Returns the DEF that "c" had when it was on the field.
Card Card.GetPreviousEquipTarget(Card c) Gets the Card that a Card (Card c) was equipped to
int Card.GetPreviousLevelOnField(Card c) Returns the Level that "c" had when it was on the field.
int Card.GetPreviousLocation(Card c) Returns the previous location of "c".
int Card.GetPreviousPosition(Card c) Returns the previous position of "c".
int Card.GetPreviousRaceOnField(Card c) Returns the Monster Type that "c" had when it was on the field.
int Card.GetPreviousRankOnField(Card c) Returns the Rank that "c" had when it was on the field.
int Card.GetPreviousSequence(Card c) Gets the sequence/order of the location of (Card c)
int ... Card.GetPreviousSetCard(Card c) Returns the archetype(s) that "c" was part of previously.
int Card.GetPreviousTypeOnField(Card c) Returns the card type that "c" had when it was on the field.
int Card.GetRace(Card c[, Card scard|nil, int sumtype = 0, int playerid = PLAYER_NONE]) Returns the current Monster Type of "c" (if it is to be used as material for "scard" with Summon type "sumtype" by player "playerid").
int Card.GetRank(Card c) Returns the current Rank of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Rank.)
int Card.GetRealFieldID(Card c) Returns the unique field ID that "c" has.
int Card.GetReason(Card c) Returns the reason for an event that happened to "c" (e.g. cost, effect).
Card Card.GetReasonCard(Card c) Returns the card which is the reason that an event happened to "c".
Effect Card.GetReasonEffect(Card c) Returns the effect which is the reason for an event that happened to "c".
int Card.GetReasonPlayer(Card c) Returns the player that is the reason for an event that happened to "c".
int Card.GetRightScale(Card c) Returns the current right Pendulum Scale of "c". (Returns 0 if it has no Pendulum Scale.)
int Card.GetRitualLevel(Card c, Card rc) Returns the Level of "c" if it would be Tributed for the Ritual Summon of "rc".
int Card.GetScale(Card c) Returns the scale value that (Card c) has. If c is not TYPE_PENDULUM, returns 0. Runs on the assumption that both scales have the same value, returning the value for the left scale if the card is not on the Pendulum Zone. For cards with different values for the scales (no official card at the moment), returns the left scale if the card is in the left Pendulum Zone or the right scale, if it is in the right Pendulum Zone.
int Card.GetSequence(Card c) Gets the sequence/order of the location of (Card c)
int ... Card.GetSetCard(Card c[, Card|nil scard, int sumtype=0, int playerid=PLAYER_NONE]) Returns the archetype(s) that "c" has (if it is to be used as material for "scard" with Summon type "sumtype" by player "playerid").
int Card.GetSummonLocation(Card c) Returns the location that "c" was summoned from.
int Card.GetSummonPlayer(Card c) Returns the player that summoned "c".
int Card.GetSummonType(Card c) Gets the type in which (Card c) was Summoned
int Card.GetSynchroLevel(Card c, Card sc) Returns the Level of "c" if it would be used as a Synchro Material for "sc".
int Card.GetTextAttack(Card c) Returns the original printed ATK of "c".
int Card.GetTextDefense(Card c) Returns the original printed DEF of "c".
int Card.GetToBeLinkedZone(group g, card c, int tp[, bool clink = false, bool emz = false]) Iterates group g with "Card.GetToBeLinkedZone" operations.
int,int Card.GetTributeRequirement(Card c) Give a min and a max tribute requirement of a card
int Card.GetTurnCounter(Card c) Gets the turn counter of a Card (Card c)
int Card.GetTurnID(Card c) Returns the turn that "c" was sent/placed to its current location.
int Card.GetType(Card c[, Card|nil scard, int sumtype = 0, int playerid = PLAYER_NONE]) Gets the current type of a Card (Card c) where (Card scard) if provided checks the monster that (Card c) would be used as material, (int sumtype) is for checking the summon type and (int playerid) is the player checking the type.
int Card.GetUnionCount(Card c) Gets Amount of Union monsters equipped to a Card (Card c)
bool Card.HasCounters(Card c) Returns true if (Card c) currently holds any counter. Returns false otherwise
bool Card.HasDefense(Card c) Rush related function. Returns false if any of the following is true for (Card c): -its type includes TYPE_LINK -its type is TYPE_MAXIMUM and it is in Maximum mode. Returns true otherwise.
bool Card.HasFlagEffect(Card c, int id[, int ct[) Returns if (Card c) has a flag with id equal to (int id). If (int ct) is provided, checks if the flags was registered at least that many times.
bool Card.HasLevel(Card c) Returns if a Card (Card c) has a level. for Links: false; for Xyzs: false, except if affected by "EFFECT_RANK_LEVEL..." or similar effects; for Dark Synchros: true, because they have a negative level; for level 0 monsters: true, because 0 is a value.
bool Card.HasNonZeroAttack(Card c) Filter checking if (Card c) is face-up and has more than 0 ATK
bool Card.HasNonZeroDefense(Card c) Filter checking if (Card c) is face-up and has more than 0 DEF
bool Card.IsAbleToChangeControler(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is capable of having it's control changed. Checks only whether the card is affected by EFFECT_CANNOT_CHANGE_CONTROL.
bool Card.IsAbleToDeck(Card c) Return if the card c can be returned to the Deck (return true or false)
bool Card.IsAbleToDeckAsCost(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to go to the Deck as a cost
bool Card.IsAbleToDeckOrExtraAsCost(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to go to either the Deck or the Extra Deck as a cost
bool Card.IsAbleToExtra(Card c) Return if the card c can be returned to the Extra Deck (return true or false)
bool Card.IsAbleToExtraAsCost(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to go to the Extra Deck as a cost
bool Card.IsAbleToGrave(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to go to the Graveyard
bool Card.IsAbleToGraveAsCost(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to go to the Graveyard as a cost
bool Card.IsAbleToHand(Card c) Return if the card c can be returned to the hand (return true or false)
bool Card.IsAbleToHandAsCost(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to go to the Hand as a cost
bool Card.IsAbleToRemove(Card c[, int player=reason player, int pos=POS_FACEUP, int reason=REASON_EFFECT]) Checks if a card (Card c) can be banished. The optional parameters are the player that would banish the card (int player), the position the card must go (int pos) and the reason for the banishing (int reason).
bool Card.IsAbleToRemoveAsCost(Card c[, int pos=POS_FACEUP) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to be banished as a cost. If (int pos) is provided, checks if it can be banished in that position.
bool Card.IsAllColumn(Card c) Checks if all the zones of the column that "c" is on are occupied.
bool Card.IsAttack(Card c, int ...) Returns if a card (Card c) has an ATK equal to any of the values passed
bool Card.IsAttackAbove(Card c, int atk) Checks if a card (Card c) has ATK equal or above the specified number (int attack), will return false if the card has ? ATK and is not face-up on the field.
bool Card.IsAttackBelow(Card c, int atk) Checks if a card (Card c) has ATK equal or below the specified number (int attack), will return false if the card has ? ATK and is not face-up on the field.
bool Card.IsAttackPos(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is in Attack position
bool Card.IsAttribute(Card c, int attribute[, Card scard|nil, int sumtype = 0, int playerid = PLAYER_NONE]) Checks if the Attribute of "c" is "attribute" (if it is to be used as material for "scard" with Summon type "sumtype" by player "playerid").
bool Card.IsAttributeExcept(Card c, int att[, card scard, int sumtype, int playerid]) Checks if (Card c) has any attribute other than (int att). If the optional parameters are passed, does the checks by calling the equivalent behavior with such parameters with Card.GetAttribute
bool Card.IsBattleDestroyed(Card c) Returns if (Card c) has been confirmed to be destroyed by battle
bool Card.IsCanAddCounter(Card c, int countertype, int count[, bool least_one=false, int loc = 0]) Checks if a number (int count) of the specified counter (int countertype) can be added to a card (Card c). When the number of added counter would exceed the limit for that card, if "least_one" is set to true, then it will return true if at least one more counter can be added otherwise it will return false. If location is specified, it return if it could receive counter when placed on that location.
bool Card.IsCanBeBattleTarget(Card c1, Card c2) Checks if a card (Card c1) is a valid battle target for another card (Card c2)
bool Card.IsCanBeDisabledByEffect(effect e[, bool is_monster_effect=true) Checks if a card (Card c) can have its effects negated by an effect (Effect e)
bool Card.IsCanBeEffectTarget(Card c, Effect e) Checks if a card (Card c) is targetable by an effect (Effect e)
bool Card.IsCanBeFusionMaterial(Card c[, Card fc, bool ignore_mon=false]) Checks if a card (Card c) can be a Fusion material. If (Card fc) is provided, checks if it can be a Fusion Material for that card. If ignore_mon is true, it does not check whether the card is a monster.
bool Card.IsCanBeLinkMaterial(Card c, [Card linkc, int player]) Checks if (Card c) can be used as material for a (Card linkc). "player" is only an additional parameter, is used to send it to the functions as an additional parameter, such as target (function in SetTarget) or operation (function in SetOperation).
bool Card.IsCanBeMaterial(Card c, int summontype) Checks if a effect_spsummon_condition is being applied to (Card c) and is false. It is the generic version of Card.IsCanbeXmaterial
bool Card.IsCanBeRitualMaterial(Card c[, Card sc, int player=PLAYER_NONE]) Checks if a card (Card c) can be used as Tribute for Ritual Summon. If (Card sc) is provided, checks if it can be used as Tribute for that card's Ritual Summon. If (int player) is provided, checks if it can be used by that player.
bool Card.IsCanBeSpecialSummoned(Card c, Effect e, int sumtype, int sumplayer, bool nocheck, bool nolimit[, int sumpos=POS_FACEUP, int target_player=sumplayer, int zone=0xff]) Checks whether a card (Card c) can be Special Summoned by (Effect e), by a summon of type (int sumtype), by player (int sumplayer), in position (int sumpos), to (int target_player)'s side of the field. If (bool nocheck) is true, it will check for a summon ignoring conditions. If (bool nolimit) is true, it will check for a summon ignoring the revive limit.
bool Card.IsCanBeSynchroMaterial(Card c[, Card sc, Card tuner, int player=PLAYER_NONE]) Checks if a card (Card c) can be used as a Synchro Material. If (Card sc) is provided, checks if it can be a Synchro Material for that card. If (Card tuner) is also provided, also checks if it can be a Synchro Material if the tuner if that card. If (int player) is provided, checks if it can be used by that player.
bool Card.IsCanBeXyzMaterial(Card c[, Card sc|nil, int tp, int reason]) Checks if a card (Card c) can be used as an Xyz Material. If (Card sc) is provided, checks if it can be used for that card's Xyz Summon. If tp and the reason are provided, checks if that player can attach the card with the given reason.
bool Card.IsCanChangePosition(Card c) Checks if the given (Card c) can change its battle position
bool Card.IsCanChangePositionRush(Card c) Rush related function. Returns if (Card c) can change its position and is not in Maximum mode
bool Card.IsCanRemoveCounter(Card c, int player, int countertype, int count, int reason) Checks if a number (int count) of the specified counter (int countertype) can be removed from a card (Card c), with reason described by (int reason)
bool Card.IsCanTurnSet(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) can be made to face-down position (Set)
bool Card.IsCode(Card c, int ...) Checks if "c" has at least 1 code/ID among the "..." list.
bool Card.IsColumn(Card c, int seq, int tp, int loc) Checks (Card c) its column using the data of another card which allows checking even if the other card has already left the field using its Sequence (int seq), controller (int tp) and location (int loc)
bool Card.IsContinuousSpell(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a Continuous Spell card.
bool Card.IsContinuousTrap(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a Continuous Trap card.
bool Card.IsControler(Card c, int controler) Checks if a card (Card c) has player (int p) as it's controller
bool Card.IsControlerCanBeChanged(Card c[, bool ign = false, int zone = 0xff]) Checks if a card (Card c) can change control. It returns false if: - c's controller is PLAYER_NONE - c is not in LOCATION_MZONE - c is affected by EFFECT_CANNOT_CHANGE_CONTROL - the opposing player has enough space. If bool ign is true, the monster zone checking is ignored.
If int zone is provided, it uses only these zones as reference.
bool Card.IsCounterTrap(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a Counter Trap card.
bool Card.IsDefense(Card c, int ...) Returns if a card (Card c) has an DEF equal to any of the values passed.
bool Card.IsDefenseAbove(Card c, int def) Checks if a card (Card c) has DEF equal or above the specified number (int defense), will return false if the card has ? DEF and is not face-up on the field.
bool Card.IsDefenseBelow(Card c, int def) Checks if a card (Card c) has DEF equal or below the specified number (int defense), will return false if the card has ? DEF and is not face-up on the field.
bool Card.IsDefensePos(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is in Defense position
bool Card.IsDeleted(Card c) Returns if the Card object got internally deleted and remained as dangling reference inside the lua state.
bool Card.IsDestructable(Card c[, Effect e]) Checks whether a card (Card c) can be destroyed; if an effect (effect e) is given, checks whether the card can be destroyed by that effect
bool Card.IsDifferentAttribute(Card c, int att) Deprecated function. Use Card.IsAttributeExcept
bool Card.IsDifferentRace(Card c, int race) Returns if (Card c) does not have Race (int race)
bool Card.IsDirectAttacked(Card c) Checks if a Card (Card c) has successfully attacked directly
bool Card.IsDisabled(Card c) Checks whether a card (Card c) is disabled, equivalent with c:IsStatus(STATUS_DISABLED)
bool Card.IsDiscardable(Card[, int reason=REASON_COST]) Checks if a card (Card c) can be discarded for (int reason).
bool Card.IsDoubleTribute(Card c, int ...) Rush related function. Returns false if (Card c) does not have all the flags (int ...) passed as arguments
bool Card.IsEquipSpell(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is an Equip Spell card.
bool Card.IsEvenScale(Card c) Returns if a pendulum card (Card c) is a card with an even value for the scale, using Card.GetScale to get the value.
bool Card.IsExactType(Card c, int typ[, card sumc, int sumtype, int player]) Checks if (Card c)'s type (returned by Card.GetType) is exactly (int typ)
bool Card.IsExtraLinked(Card c) Checks if a card is Extra Linked, uses aux.ExtraLinked which obtains 2 Extra Monster Zone monsters of each player and checks if (Card c) is included in the chain of co-linked cards.
bool Card.IsFacedown(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is face-down
bool Card.IsFaceup(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is face-up
bool Card.IsFieldSpell(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a Field Spell card.
bool Card.IsForbidden(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is forbidden to be used (equal to calling c:IsStatus(STATUS_FORBIDDEN))
bool Card.IsFusionSummonableCard(Card c[, int sumtype]) Returns if (Card c) is a card that can be fusion summoned. This checks if: -the card's type is TYPE_FUSION -the card has an EFFECT_SPSUMMON_CONDITION applied to it. If (int sumtype) is provided, it uses that value in the step. SUMMON_TYPE_FUSION is included in sumtype by default.
bool Card.IsGeminiState(Card c) Use Card.IsGeminiState instead
bool Card.IsGeminiStatus(Card c) Checks if a Card (Card c) is a Gemini monster with its effect enabled.
bool Card.IsHasCardTarget(Card c1, Card c2) Checks whether the second card (Card c2) is a target of the first card (Card c1)
Effect|nil, ... Card.IsHasEffect(Card c, int code[, int player=PLAYER_NONE]) Checks if a (Card c) has an effect with code (int code). Returns all the effects found with that code, or nil if the effect is not found. (int player), if provided, is used to check the effect's count limit
bool Card.IsImmuneToEffect(Card c, Effect e) Checks if a card (Card c) is not affected by an effect (Effect e)
bool Card.IsInExtraMZone(Card c, int tp) Return if (Card c) is in an Extra Monster Zone. If (int tp) is provided, also returns if (Card c) is of that controller.
bool Card.IsInMainMZone(Card c, int tp) Return if (Card c) is in a Main Monster Zone. If (int tp) is provided, also returns if (Card c) is of that controller.
bool Card.IsLevel(Card c, int ...) Checks if "c" has a Level equal to any of the levels passed as ...
bool Card.IsLevelAbove(Card c, int level) Checks if a card (Card c) has level equal or above the specified number (int level), will return false if the card has no level.
bool Card.IsLevelBelow(Card c, int level) Checks if a card (Card c) has level equal or below the specified number (int level), will return false if the card has no level.
bool Card.IsLink(Card c, int lk) Checks if "c" has a Link Rating equal to "lk".
bool Card.IsLinkAbove (Card c, int link_rating) Checks if (Card c) has a Link Rating (link_rating) equal or greater than the given number
bool Card.IsLinkBelow (Card c, int link_rating) Checks if (Card c) has a Link Rating (link_rating) equal or lower than the given number
bool Card.IsLinkCode(Card c, int ...) Checks if "c" has a specific code from the "..." list as a Link Material.
bool Card.IsLinked(Card c) Checks if "c" is linked. (A card is linked if it is pointing to another card, or if another card is pointing to it.)
bool Card.IsLinkMarker(Card c, int markers) Checks if (Card c) has the Link markers represented by (int markers)
bool Card.IsLinkMonster(card c) Returns if Card C is a Link Monster. This function was added due to the introduction of Link Spells that makes checking only for IsType==TYPE_LINK not accurate depending on the effect used.
bool Card.IsLinkSetCard(Card c, int setname) Checks if "c" is part of the archetype "setname" as a Link Material.
bool Card.IsLinkSpell(card c) Returns if (Card c) is a Link Spell.
bool Card.IsLinkSummonable(Card c[, Group|Card|nil must_use, Group|Card|nil mg, int min=0, int max=0]) Checks if "c" can be Link Summoned using "must_use" as part of its materials, choosing among "mg", with "min" and "max" materials to be used for the Link Summon.
bool Card.IsLocation(Card c, int location) Checks if a card (Card c) is located on the specified location (int location)
bool Card.IsMaximumMode(Card c)
bool Card.IsMaximumModeCenter(Card c)
bool Card.IsMaximumModeLeft(Card c)
bool Card.IsMaximumModeRight(Card c)
bool Card.IsMaximumModeSide(Card c)
bool Card.IsMonster(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a monster type card
bool Card.IsMSetable(Card, bool ignore_count, Effect e|nil[, int min=0]) Checks whether a card (Card c) can be Normal Set as a monster. Setting ignore_count to true makes it ignore the standard once per turn summon limit. If an effect (Effect e) is given, checks whether it can be Normal Summoned by that effect. The last value denotes the minimum tribute amount.
bool Card.IsNegatable(Card c) Checks if (Card c) can be negated (returns Card.IsNegatableMonster OR Card.IsNegatableSpellTrap)
bool Card.IsNegatableMonster(Card c) Checks if (Card c) can be negated (for monsters)
bool Card.IsNegatableSpellTrap(Card c) Checks if (Card c) can be negated (for Spell/Trap)
bool Card.IsNonEffectMonster(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a Monster and does not have TYPE_EFFECT
bool Card.IsNormalSpell(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a Normal Spell card.
bool Card.IsNormalTrap(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a Normal Trap card.
bool Card.IsNotMaximumModeSide(Card c)
bool Card.IsNotTuner(Card c) Checks if "c" is a non-Tuner monster.
bool Card.IsOddScale(Card c) Returns if a pendulum card (Card c) is a card with an odd value for the scale, using Card.GetScale to get the value.
bool Card.IsOnField(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is located on the field
bool Card.IsOriginalAttribute(Card c, int val) Checks if (Card c) is of original attribute (int val)
bool Card.IsOriginalCode(Card c, int cd) Checks if (Card c) has original card name of (int cd)
bool Card.IsOriginalCodeRule(Card c, int cd) Checks if (Card c) has original code rule of (int cd)
bool Card.IsOriginalRace(Card c, int val) Checks if (Card c) is of original monster type (int val)
bool Card.IsOriginalSetCard(Card c, int setname) Checks if "c" is originally part of the archetype "setname".
bool Card.IsOriginalType(Card c, int val) Checks if (Card c) is of original card type (int val)
bool Card.IsPosition(Card c, int pos) Checks if a card (Card c) is in the specified position (int pos)
bool Card.IsPreviousControler(Card c, int tp) Checks if (Card c) is previous controlled by player (int tp)
bool Card.IsPreviousLocation(Card c, int location) Checks if a card (Card c) is previously located on the specified location (int location)
bool Card.IsPreviousPosition(Card c, int pos) Checks if a card (Card c) is previously in the specified position (int pos)
bool Card.IsPreviousSetCard(Card c, int setname) Checks if "c" was previously part of the archetype "setname".
bool Card.IsProcedureSummonable(Card c, int cardtype, int sumtype[, Group|Card|nil must_use, Group|Card|nil mg, int min=0, int max=0]) Checks if "c" or type "cardtype" can be Summoned according to the "sumtype" procedure using "must_use" as part of its materials, choosing among "mg", with "min" and "max" materials to be used for the Xyz Summon
bool Card.IsPublic(Card c) Checks if a card's (Card c) information is known to both players. In practice, about the same as c:IsPosition(POS_FACEUP)
bool Card.IsQuickPlaySpell(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a Quick-Play Spell card.
bool Card.IsRace(Card c, int race[, Card scard|nil, int sumtype = 0, int playerid = PLAYER_NONE]) Checks if the Monster Type of "c" is "race" (if it is to be used as material for "scard" with Summon type "sumtype" by player "playerid").
bool Card.IsRank(Card c, int ...) Checks if "c" has a Rank equal to any of the ranks passed.
bool Card.IsRankAbove(Card c, int rank) Checks if a card (Card c) has rank equal or above the specified number (int rank), will return false if the card has no rank
bool Card.IsRankBelow(Card c, int rank) Checks if a card (Card c) has rank equal or below the specified number (int rank), will return false if the card has no rank
bool Card.IsReason(Card c, int reason) Checks if the reason for an event that happened to "c" is "reason" (REASON_x).
bool Card.IsReincarnationSummoned(Card c) Interacts with the functions for "Salamangreat" Reincarnation procedure. Returns if card c has CARD_SALAMANGREAT_SANCTUARY as FlagEffect
bool Card.IsRelateToBattle(Card c) Checks whether a card (Card c) is related to battle (either as attacker or as an attack target)
bool Card.IsRelateToCard(Card c1, Card c2) Checks whether a card (Card c1) is related to another card (Card c2) (That results from c1:CreateRelation(c2))
bool Card.IsRelateToChain(Card c, int chainc) Checks whether a card (Card c) is related to the chain numbered (int chainc)
bool Card.IsRelateToEffect(Card c, Effect e) Checks whether a card (Card c) is related to an effect (Effect e)
bool Card.IsReleasable(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to be Tributed
bool Card.IsReleasableByEffect(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is able to be Tributed by a card effect
bool Card.IsRikkaReleasable(c)
bool Card.IsRitualMonster(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a Ritual Monster.
bool Card.IsRitualSpell(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a Ritual Spell.
bool Card.IsSequence(c, ...) Returns if a Card (Card c) is located at any of the sequences passed as arguments
bool Card.IsSetCard(Card c, int|table setname[, Card scard|nil, int sumtype = 0, int playerid = PLAYER_NONE]) Checks if "c" is part of the archetype "setname" (if it is to be used as material for "scard" with Summon type "sumtype" by player "playerid"). "setname" can be a single int value or a table with multiple archetypes.
bool Card.IsSpecialSummonable(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is summonable by it's summon procedure
bool Card.IsSpell(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a Spell card.
bool Card.IsSpellTrap(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a Spell or Trap card.
bool Card.IsSSetable(Card c[, bool ignore_field=false]) Checks whether a card (Card c) can be Set in S/T zone. Setting ignore_field to true makes it not check for free space in the S/T Zone.
bool Card.IsStatus(Card c, int status) Checks if "c" has the given status (STATUS_x)
bool Card.IsSummonable(Card c, bool ignore_count, Effect e|nil[, int min=0]) Checks whether a card (Card c) can be Normal Summoned. Setting ignore_count to true makes it ignore the standard once per turn summon limit. If an effect (Effect e) is given, checks whether it can be Normal Summoned by that effect. The last value denotes the minimum tribute amount.
bool Card.IsSummonableCard(Card c) Checks if a card (Card c) is normally summonable, returns false when the card is subject of Card.EnableUnsummonable or Card.EnableReviveLimit
bool Card.IsSummonCode(Card c, Card sc|nil, int sumtype, int playerid, int ...) Checks if "c" has a specific code from the "..." list if it is to be used as material for the Summon type "sumtype" of "sc" performed by the player "playerid".
bool Card.IsSummonLocation(card c, int loc) Checks if (Card c) was summoned from the location passed as (int loca)
bool Card.IsSummonPlayer(Card c, int tp) Checks if (Card c) is summoned by player (int tp)
bool Card.IsSummonType(Card c, int ...) Checks if "c" is Summoned by one of the summon types in the "..." list.
bool Card.IsSynchroSummonable(Card c[, Group|Card|nil must_use, Group|Card|nil mg, int min=0, int max=0]) Checks if "c" can be Synchro Summoned using "must_use" as part of its materials, choosing among "mg", with "min" and "max" materials to be used for the Synchro Summon. How this works is that the script would check for all EFFECT_SPSUMMON_PROC that has SUMMON_TYPE_SYNCHRO as it's Value, then checks the effects' Condition with the provided arguments. Check out "aux.SynCondition" in "proc_synchro.lua" for how this is handled.
bool Card.IsTrap(Card c) Returns if (Card c) is a Trap card.
bool Card.IsType(Card c, int type[, Card scard|nil, int sumtype = 0, int playerid = PLAYER_NONE]) Checks if the card type of "c" is "type" (if it is to be used as material for "scard" with Summon type "sumtype" by player "playerid").
bool Card.IsXyzLevel(Card c, Card xyzc, int lv) Checks if "c" would be Level "lv" if it was to be used as Xyz Material for "xyzc".
bool Card.IsXyzSummonable(Card c[, Group|Card|nil must_use, Group|Card|nil mg, int min=0, int max=0]) Checks if "c" can be Xyz Summoned using "must_use" as part of its materials, choosing among "mg", with "min" and "max" materials to be used for the Xyz Summon
void|int Card.Level(Card c[, int level]) Changes (Card c)'s original level/rank/link rating if (int level) is inputted, else returns the current card's original level/rank/link rating
void|int Card.LinkMarker(Card c[, int linkmarker]) Changes (Card c)'s original Link Markers if (int linkmarker) is inputted, else returns the current card's original Link Markers.
bool Card.ListsArchetype(Card c, int ...) Returns if (Card c) lists any of the setcodes passed in (int ...), by iterating over Card c's listed_series.
bool Card.ListsArchetypeAsMaterial(Card c, int ...) Checks if 1 of the setcodes in (int ...) is a listed archetype in a material of (Card c)
bool Card.ListsCardType(Card c, int ...) Returns true if (Card c) specifically lists any of the card types passed in (int ..), (which means that it iterates over Card c's listed_card_types)
bool Card.ListsCode(Card c, int ...) Checks if 1 of the codes in (int ...) is a listed card in (Card c)'s text
bool Card.ListsCodeAsMaterial(Card c, int ...) Checks if 1 of the codes in (int ...) is a listed Fusion Material in (Card c)
bool Card.ListsCodeWithArchetype(card c, int ...) Returns if the (Card c) specifically lists the name of a card that is part of an archetype in "...", iterating over Card c's listed_names and checking if those cards belong to any of the archetypes passed.
bool Card.ListsCounter(card c, int counter_type) Checks if (Card c) has an effect that mentions (int counter_type) counter. This includes adding, removing, gaining ATK/DEF per counter, etc. Corresponding table: "s.counter_list" ("s.counter_place_list" is already handled)
void|int Card.Lscale(Card c[, int scale]) Changes (Card c)'s original right scale if (int scale) is inputted, else returns the current card's original right scale.
void Card.MoveAdjacent(Card c, int sel_player) Executes a move operation for card c, to one of its available adjacent sequences (int the Monster Zone)
void Card.NegateEffects(Card tc, Card rc[, int resets, bool negates_cards=false, int ct=1]) Function to shorten effects that negate other cards' effects (via an activated effect). (Card tc) is the card to be negated, (Card rc) is the reason card (the one registering the effect), (int resets) are the flags used to reset the effect (RESET_EVENT|RESETS_STANDARD are inherently included). If (bool negates_cards) is true, trap monsters are also negated and (int ct) is the counter for when phase-specific resets are required. This function also calls Duel.NegateRelatedChain.
bool Card.PlacesCounter(card c, int counter_type) Checks whether card c has an effect that places int counter_type counters (on itself or others). Corresponding table: "s.counter_place_list".
void|int Card.Race(Card c[, int race]) Changes (Card c)'s original monster type(s)/race(s) if (int race) is inputted, else returns the current card's original monster type(s)/race(s).
void Card.Recreate(Card c, int code[, int|nil alias, int|nil setcode, int|nil type, int|nil level, int|nil attribute, int|nil race, int|nil atk, int|nil def, int|nil lscale, int|nil rscale, bool|nil replace_effect=false]) Changes (Card c) into a card with (int code) as its original card number from the database. If any of the parameters are included, that stat is also changed. If (bool replace_effect) is set to true, its effect also changes to the effects of (int code).
int Card.RegisterEffect(Card c, Effect e[, bool forced=false, ...]) Registers an Effect (Effect e) (usually an Effect created with Effect.CreateEffect()) to a Card (Card c), ... is a list of integers which Registers further effects in the utility.
int Card.RegisterEffectRush(Card c)
Effect Card.RegisterFlagEffect(Card c, int code, int reset_flag, int property, int reset_count[, int label, int desc]) Registers a flag effect to a card (Card c) with (int code) that resets with (int reset_flag), as the effect code. (int reset_flag).
void Card.ReleaseEffectRelation(Card c, Effect e) Releases any relation between a card (Card c) and an effect (Effect e)
void Card.ReleaseRelation(Card c1, Card c2) Releases the relation between the first card (Card c1) and the second card (Card c2). Does not release relation from the second card that is resulting from c2:CreateRelation(c1)
void Card.RemoveCounter(Card c, int player, int countertype, int count, int reason) Removes a number (int count) of the specified counter (int countertype) from a card (Card c), with reason described by (int reason)
void Card.RemoveAllCounters(Card c)
bool Card.RemoveOverlayCard(Card c, int player, int min, int max, int reason) Makes player (int Player) remove overlay cards from a Card (Card c), with minimum of (int min) and maximum of (int max) with (int reason) as reason
int Card.ReplaceEffect(Card c, int code, int reset_flag[, int reset_count]) Temporarily replace all effects of a card (Card c) with the effect of card with the specified card code (int code) that resets according to the ascribed reset flag (int reset_flag)
void Card.ResetEffect(Card c, int reset_code, int reset_type) Resets all effects of a Card (Card c) (e.g. "c:ResetEffect(RESET_DISABLE, RESET_EVENT)")
void Card.ResetFlagEffect(Card c, int code) Resets a flag with (int code) as the effect code from a card (Card c)
void Card.ResetNegateEffect(Card c[, int code1, ...]) Resets a card c affected by the effect of cards whose card number is code1, code2 ...
void Card.ReverseInDeck(Card c) Reverses a card (Card c) in Deck (make it face-up)
void|int Card.Rscale(Card c[, int scale]) Changes (Card c)'s original left scale if (int scale) is inputted, else returns the current card's original left scale.
number Card.SelectAdjacent(Card c, int sel_player) Makes (int player) select a zone adjacent (horizontally) to (card c)
void Card.SetCardTarget(Card c1, Card c2) Sets the second card (Card c2) as a target of the first card (Card c1)
void|int Card.Setcode(Card c[, int setcode]) Changes (Card c)'s original archetype(s)/setcode(s) if (int setcode) is inputted, else returns the current card's original archetype(s)/setcode(s).
void Card.SetCounterLimit(Card c, int countertype, int count) Sets the limit (int count) of how many counter of a type (int countertype) can be held by a card (Card c)
bool Card.SetFlagEffectLabel(Card c, int code, int label) Assigns an integer (int label) number to the flag effect attached to a card (Card c) with (int code) as the effect code. Returns true if a flag effect with such code existed and the label was set.
void Card.SetHint(Card c, int type, int value) Sets a card (Card c) hint displaying, type is CHINT_* and value is the appropriate value depending on the type
void Card.SetMaterial(Card c, Card|Group|nil materials) Sets the Material of a Card (Card c) to the passed ones. If nil is passed, the material group of the card is cleared.
void Card.SetReason(Card c, int reason[, bool keep=false]) Sets the reason of "c" as "reason". If "keep" is set to true "c" will maintain the previous reason that it had.
void Card.SetReasonCard(Card c, Card rc) Sets "rc" as the card that was the reason of an event that happened to "c".
void Card.SetReasonEffect(Card c, Effect re) Sets "re" as the effect that was the reason of an event that happened to "c".
void Card.SetReasonPlayer(Card c, int rp) Sets "rp" as the player that was the reason of an event that happened to "c".
void Card.SetSPSummonOnce(Card c, int spsummon_code) Makes so (Card c) can only be Special Summoned when the turn has not Special Summoned another card with the same code (int code) as its Card.SetSpecialSummonOnce. In other words: creates the "You can only Special Summon "Some Monster" once per turn" condition.
void Card.SetStatus(Card c, int status, bool enable) Sets the status (STATUS_x) of a Card (Card c) and possibly enables it
void Card.SetTurnCounter(Card c, int counter) Sets the turn counter of a Card (Card c) to a value (int count)
void Card.SetUniqueOnField(Card c, int s, int o, int unique_code[, int unique_location=LOCATION_ONFIELD]) Sets a card's (Card c) "Can only control 1" clause, int s denotes checking of the would-be owner's field, int o denotes checking the opposing field. unique_location denotes the location the card is unique (setting location outside the field has no meaning)
void|int Card.Type(Card c[, int type]) Changes (Card c)'s original type(s) if (int type) is inputted, else returns the current card's original type(s).
int Card.UpdateAttack(card c, int amount[, int reset, card rc]) Applies an ATK change to card c, equal to int amount. If the reset values (int reset) are not provided, the default is RESET_EVENT (+RESETS_STANDARD_DISABLE , if rc == c, or just +RESETS_STANDARD). If the reason card rc is not provided, uses as default card c. Returns the amount of ATK successfully changed.
int Card.UpdateDefense(card c, int amount[, int reset, card rc]) Applies a DEF change to card c, equal to int amount. If the reset values (int reset) are not provided, the default is RESET_EVENT (+RESETS_STANDARD_DISABLE , if rc == c, or just +RESETS_STANDARD). If the reason card rc is not provided, uses as default card c. Returns the amount of DEF successfully changed.
int Card.UpdateLevel(card c, int amount[, int reset, card rc]) Applies a level change to card c, equal to int amount. If the reset values (int reset) are not provided, the default is RESET_EVENT (+RESETS_STANDARD_DISABLE if rc == c, or just +RESETS_STANDARD) If the reason card rc is not provided, uses as default card c. Returns the amount of levels successfully changed.
int Card.UpdateLink(card c, int amount[, int reset, card rc]) Applies a link change to card c, equal to int amount. If the reset values (int reset) are not provided, the default is RESET_EVENT (+RESETS_STANDARD_DISABLE if rc == c, or just +RESETS_STANDARD). If the reason card (card rc) is not provided, uses as default card c. Returns the amount of links successfully changed.
int Card.UpdateRank(card c, int amount[, int reset, card rc]) Applies a rank change to card c, equal to int amt.If the reset values (int reset) are not provided, the default is RESET_EVENT (+RESETS_STANDARD_DISABLE if rc == c, or just +RESETS_STANDARD). If the reason card rc is not provided, uses as default card c. Returns the amount of ranks successfully changed.
int Card.UpdateScale(card c, int amount[, int reset, card rc]) Applies a scale change to card c, equal to int amount. If the reset values (int reset) are not provided, the default is RESET_EVENT (+RESETS_STANDARD_DISABLE if rc == c, or just +RESETS_STANDARD). If the reason card rc is not provided, uses as default card c. Returns the amount of scales successfully changed.
bool Card.WasMaximumMode(Card c)
bool Card.WasMaximumModeSide(Card c)