Version 0.3.0
V0.3.0 🌀🌀🌀
Level up! Plug is now a multi-token wallet on the Internet Computer. With this new version, Plug now supports any custom IC token following the EXT Token standard, and not only that, but we also support Cycles Tokens (XTC) so you can now access Cycles in Plug, send them to other Principal IDs or Canister IDs, or deposit raw cycles to canisters to refill them and pay for computation!
That’s not all, though. We’ve also added the option to create multiple accounts in Plug (all backed up to your main Seed Phrase), with their individual Principal IDs, profiles, and assets/balances. Finally, there is a new tool in settings to export your Plug identity/account to DFX! Giving you a .pem file you can use to use the same identity on the DFX CLI tool.
To get started, download the extension from the Chrome or Firefox store, or install it manually with the ZIP for Chrome or the XPI for Firefox (see below!).
Features ✔️
- Custom Token support through Extendable Token Standard (EXT).
- Support for EXT send operations.
- Cycles Token (XTC) support as an asset.
- Support for Cycles Token (XTC) send operations.
- Multi-account creation and management (sub-accounts).
- Export identity to DFX tool.
Fixes 🐞
- Fixed UI and inconsistencies on pop-up modals.
- Fixed app connection status header appearance.
- Fixed bug on IC Provider API which would fail to connect silently.
- Added symmetrical short URLs for Account IDs.
Install Plug from Browser Stores (Auto-updates!)⚡
- Get from Chrome Extension Store (Chrome, Brave, Chromium)
- Get from Firefox Add-on Store (Firefox browser)
Or download the latest version's build in this repository's releases, and follow the guides below for a manual installation (doesn't auto-update):
Manual Install - Chrome/Chromium 🌐
Manual Install - Firefox 🦊