'fs' object extensions & promisifications
$ npm install node-promfs
promise all fs asynchronous functions
checks for file & directory existence, with synchrone & asynchrone versions
extract directory's files, with synchrone & asynchrone versions
create & delete directories recursively, with synchrone & asynchrone versions
concat files content in a string or a file, with synchrone & asynchrone versions
copy files, with synchrone & asynchrone versions
$ npx node-promfs mkdirp <file: string> <?mode: number>
$ npx node-promfs rmdirp <file: string>
you can use following method by replacing uppercase by lowercase with "-" before (ex : directoryToFile => "directory-to-file") Array arguments "files-to-file", "files-to-string", etc... is just list of strings (ex : [ "1", "2" ] => "1" "2")
type tError = ReferenceError|TypeError|Error|null;
type tCallback = (err: tError, data: any) => void;
interface iReadJSONOptions {
"encoding"?: string;
"flag"?: string;
"signal"?: AbortSignal;
interface iWriteJSONOptions extends iReadJSONOptions {
"mode"?: number;
"replacer"?: (k, v) => any;
"space"?: string|number|null;
type tReadJSONOptions = string|iReadJSONOptions|null;
type tWriteJSONOptions = string|iWriteJSONOptions|null;
in "separator" parameter, you can use "{{filename}}" pattern, it will be replaced by the file's basename (ex : separator = "\r\n\r\n--- {{filename}} ---\r\n\r\n")
[isFile] : does the file exists and is a regular file ?
isFile(file: string, callback: (err: tError, exists: boolean) => void): void
isFileSync(file: string): boolean
isFileProm(file: string): Promise<boolean>
[isDirectory] : does the file exists and is a directory ?
isDirectory(dir: string, callback: (err: tError, exists: boolean) => void): void
isDirectorySync(dir: string): boolean
isDirectoryProm(dir: string): Promise<boolean>
[copyFile] : copy a file with streams (copy then control with isFile)
copyFile(origin: string, target: string, callback: (err: tError) => void): void
copyFileSync(origin: string, target: string): void
copyFileProm(origin: string, target: string): Promise<void>
[extractFiles] : return only files from a directory
extractFiles(dir: string, callback: (err: tError, files: Array<string>) => void): void
extractFilesSync(dir: string): Array<string>
extractFilesProm(dir: string): Promise<Array<string>>
[writeJSONFile] : stringify JSON and writeFile
writeJSONFile(file: string, data: any, options: tCallback | tWriteJSONOptions, callback?: tCallback): void
writeJSONFileSync(file: string, data: any, options?: tReadJSONOptions): void
writeJSONFileProm(file: string, data: any, options?: tReadJSONOptions): Promise<void>
[readJSONFile] : readFile and parse JSON
readJSONFile(file: string, opts: tCallback | tReadJSONOptions, callback?: tCallback): void
readJSONFileSync(file: string, opts?: tReadJSONOptions): any
readJSONFileProm(file: string, opts?: tReadJSONOptions) : Promise<any>
[mkdirp] : recursively create a directory
- The arguments are the same as the official documentation's ones for mkdir & mkdirSync
mkdirp(path: string, callback: (err: tError, data: any) => void): void
mkdirp(path: string, mode: number, callback: (err: tError, data: any) => void): void
mkdirpSync(path: string, mode?: number): void
mkdirpProm(path: string, mode?: number): Promise<void>
[rmdirp] : recursively delete a directory
rmdirp(path: string, callback: (err: tError) => void): void
rmdirpSync(path: string): void
rmdirpProm(path: string): Promise<void>
[filesToStream] : converge files content in a Readable stream
filesToStream(files: Array<string>, callback: (err: tError, Transform) => void): void
filesToStream(files: Array<string>, separator: string, callback: (err: tError, data: Transform) => void): void
filesToStreamSync(path: string, separator?: string): Transform
filesToStreamProm(path: string, separator?: string): Promise<Transform>
[filesToString] : concat files content in a string
filesToString(files: Array<string>, callback: (err: tError, data: string) => void): void
filesToString(files: Array<string>, separator: string, callback: (err: tError, data: string) => void): void
filesToStringSync(files: Array<string>, separator?: string): string
filesToStringProm(files: Array<string>, separator?: string): Promise<string>
[filesToFile] : concat files content in a file with streams
filesToFile(files: Array<string>, file: string, callback: (err: tError) => void): void
filesToFile(files: Array<string>, file: string, separator: string, callback: (err: tError) => void): void
filesToFileSync(files: Array<string>, file: string, separator?: string): void
filesToFileProm(files: Array<string>, file: string, separator?: string): Promise<void>
[directoryToStream] : converge directory's files content in a Readable stream
directoryToStream(directory: string, file: string, callback: (err: tError, data: Transform) => void): void
directoryToStream(directory: string, separator: string, callback: (err: tError, data: Transform) => void): void
directoryToStreamSync(directory: string, file: string, separator?: string): Transform
directoryToStreamProm(directory: string, file: string, separator?: string): Promise<Transform>
[directoryToString] : concat directory's files content in a string
directoryToString(directory: string, callback: (err: tError, data: Transform) => void): void
directoryToString(directory: string, separator: string, callback: (err: tError, data: Transform) => void): void
directoryToStringSync(directory: string, separator?: string): Transform
directoryToStringProm(directory: string, separator?: string): Promise<Transform>
[directoryToFile] : concat directory's files content in a file
directoryToFile(directory: string, file: string, callback: (err: tError) => void): void
directoryToFile(directory: string, file: string, separator: string, callback: (err: tError) => void)
directoryToFileSync(directory: string, file: string, separator?: string): void
directoryToFileProm(directory: string, file: string, separator?: string): Promise<void>
- The arguments are the same as the official documentation's ones
- "then" data are the same as the callbacks' ones
- all the methods cannot be tested (too much arguments)
accessProm(): Promise
-> testedappendFileProm(): Promise
-> testedchmodProm(): Promise
-> testedchownProm(): Promise
-> testedcloseProm(): Promise
-> testedfchmodProm(): Promise
fchownProm(): Promise
fdatasyncProm(): Promise
fstatProm(): Promise
fsyncProm(): Promise
ftruncateProm(): Promise
futimesProm(): Promise
linkProm(): Promise
lstatProm(): Promise
mkdirProm(): Promise
-> testedmkdtempProm(): Promise
openProm(): Promise
-> testedreaddirProm(): Promise
-> testedreadFileProm(): Promise
-> testedrealpathProm(): Promise
-> testedrenameProm(): Promise
-> testedrmdirProm(): Promise
-> testedstatProm(): Promise
truncateProm(): Promise
unlinkProm(): Promise
-> testedutimesProm(): Promise
writeProm(): Promise
writeFileProm(): Promise
-> tested
const fs = require("node-promfs");
const { readJSONFileProm } = require("node-promfs");
import fs = require("node-promfs");
$ git clone git://github.com/Psychopoulet/node-promfs.git
$ cd ./node-promfs
$ npm install
$ npm run-script tests