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TrenchBroom Theory
Josh Palmer edited this page Feb 10, 2020
2 revisions
A collection of observations on mapping techniques, and tips for best-practices, workflow and efficiency.
CSG Subtract
- Creating concave indents in existing brushes is more intuitive
- Brush tool defines both outline and depth
- Subtracting complex geometry creates microbrushes and microleaks
- Can't control subtract splitting unless you pre-clip enough of the mesh to reduce the problem to a single-solution set of triangles
- Need to tightly clip a rect and keep your vertices on its edges
- Considered a newbie trap in Q1/HL mapping
- Fractures meshes and creates bad geometry
- Instant results, but causes major long-term maintainability issues
- Creating concave indents in existing brushes is more intuitive
Clip / Brush Tools
- Less immediately intuitive for convex indenting
- Requires good technique
- Practice necessary
- Better geometry is worth it
- Empowers the other tools
- Forms the basis for advanced usage
- Can create complex architecture but retain simple, editable shapes
- More maintainable
- Workflow can be optimized with key shortcuts
- Clip Tool: C
- Swap Cutting Edge: X
- Perform Clip: Z
Covered in layman's terms in the dumptruck video that covers arch creation
- Manually clip convex arch shape into one triangle per face
- Anchor clips to the nearest upper corner, better for curves
- Results in cleaner geo, prevents QBSP from creating triangle soup
Generalized usage
- Clip bounding box brushes into vertical bar slices per-face
- Perform further clips to define bounding rect brushes for internal convex faces
- Face / edge edit resulting brushes to create actual convex faces
- Join internal brushes into convex geo, prioritizing diagonals
- Empowers the extrusion tool, as it respects the shape of neighbouring edges
- Technically manipulating .map clip planes directly rather than the edges themselves
- Empowers the extrusion tool, as it respects the shape of neighbouring edges
Deeper theory important to explore, informs more generalized application
- Axial splitting forms the basis
- Why are vertical splits the default?
- Wall detail is the most common use-case
- Theory: Detail flows horizontally in most room architecture
- Humans naturally prioritize horizontal attention in most cases
- Two eyes separated horizontally
- Wider horizontal FOV
- Tall or vertically open areas an exception
- Vertical negative space as a feature, diverts attention
- Humans naturally prioritize horizontal attention in most cases
- Are horizontal splits ever preferable?
- Horizontal splits will happen within vertically-split brushes
- Problem of scale?
- Geometry detailing for a column
- Taller than it is wide
- Horizontal splits will happen within vertically-split brushes
- General rule: split along the shorter UV axis
- Helps for dealing with floors, ceilings, arbitrary architecture
- This isolates the detail brushes from their source brush immediately
- Prevents clips from interfering with existing geometry and creating extra convex merge work
- Priorities when clipping
- Extrustion friendliness
- Extrusion is incredibly powerful with good source geometry
- Directly manipulates brush planes by their normal
- Bal curves a good example
- Creating techbase (and other) architecture by manipulating primitives
- Prioritize diagonal splits rather than sticking to world axes
- Extrusion is incredibly powerful with good source geometry
- Maintainability
- Prevents time that could be spent mapping from being wasted on fixup work
- Geometry optimization not a priority for QBSP workflows
- QBSP will combine and re-split coplanar points that share texture offsets
- In some cases triangle optimization and extrusion optimization are the same
- Arches, for example
- Extrustion friendliness
Do not share walls between rooms
- If you need to detail, split them along their longest axis first so each room has its own wall
- This prevents any further splits from having adverse effects on existing geometry
- If you need to detail, split them along their longest axis first so each room has its own wall
Split early rather than trying to make your brushes as large as possible
- Ex. Using a large floor brush to denote area footprint, then carving it up into corridors
- Ensures that textures are properly aligned to visible edges at creation time, rather than texturing time
Generalizing into 3 dimensions
- Terrain editing is a good example case
- Splits a single brush biaxially
- Detail is defined by moving vertices along the third axis
- Or extruding faces within a hemisphere oriented along the third axis
- Applying the 2D theory in two dimensions simultaneously
- Less opportunity for optimization by recursive splitting
- Many splits already happening, necessary
- Less opportunity for optimization by recursive splitting
- Terrain editing is a good example case
(Optional) Fully detailed and textured start room
- Helps with defining a visual theme for the map
- Can inform geo styling without requiring every room to be textured
- Define the rough outline of your map
- Worldspawn geometry
- Stick to simple shapes
- Use this pass to define what will be VISed
- Gameplay-first design
- Ensures the map is fun before it's pretty
- Massively speeds up time-to-playable at the expense of visuals
- Use khreator's prototype.wad to clearly denote untextured rooms
- Can use colors to define each room's aesthetic in broad terms
- Disable UV and texture lock during greyboxing
- Baked-in grid helps keep your architecture aligned during creation
- Prevents annoying UV reset fixups come texturing time
Detail and texturing
- Finer geometry using func_detail
- Doing this post-greybox ensures that VIS is locked down
- Finer geometry using func_detail
Sometimes detailing can creep into greyboxing
- Good if you're hit with an idea and need to realize it ASAP
- Need to be careful it doesn't turn into procrastination
- Ties back into making sure the map is fun before making sure it's pretty
Ignored by the engine
- Specific to Q1 format (not available in Q2)
- No focus nesting, grouped entities can be selected individually
- Double click to select all
- Easier editing, but more potential click targets
- Best for worldspawn geo grouping and lightweight contextualization
TrenchBroom groups
- Stored using TB-specific metadata properties
- Nested focus, can only edit entities inside the currently active group
- Double click / cancel to navigate group tree
- Best for prefabs Ex. light fixtures with built-in light entities
TrenchBroom layers
- Stored using TB-specific metadata properties
- Can control locking and visibility per-layer
- Useful for hiding obstructive elements during geo editing
- Clip brushes, triggers, gameplay entities, detail brushes
- Useful for hiding obstructive elements during geo editing
- Better for broad-strokes categorization ex. world geo, lighting, gameplay entities
- Arguably obsoleted by toggleable view layers
- Fine-grained control of visibility
- Much more complex, requires extensive hotkeying to be viable
- Hotkeys are well worth the time investment
- The less you have to move your hands off the home row / mouse the faster you can work
- Constantly self-reflect on your process, spot common time-sink actions, and optimize with hotkeys where appropriate
- Actual hotkey bindings will vary by individual
- Intuition is subjective, since everyone has their own mental proces
- Helps to group things contextually, or using a mental metaphor
- Ex. tools on ZXCVGT, extended tools (dupe, flip, rotate, etc) on Shift + ZXCVGT
- Modifier key as a 'more powerful' version of an existing action
- Ex. binding cancel to space, and delete to shift + space
- Cancel is a 'negatory', deletion is an applied / empowered 'negatory'
- No need to move hand for deletes
- Ex. binding cancel to space, and delete to shift + space
- Entity index (found by using the edicts console command in-game) can be used with the owner property to create complex behavior
- Ex. Aggro targets
- In-map entity order can be controlled to a degree using TrenchBroom layers
- Entities in saved .map files are grouped top-to-bottom in the same order as the editor UI
- Allows for somewhat deterministic control over an entity's edict index
- Currently no way to reorder layers
- Entity count / indices are determined on map start
- Difficulty-dependent entities interfere with edict indexing
- Potentially different position in list
- Having more or less entities based on the difficulty will change indexing
- Solution: Place all difficulty-dependent entities in the last layer and don't use edict index hacks on them
- Theoretically possible to still use hacks with difficulty-dependent entities, but likely to become very messy
- Entities whose indices need to be known should be placed in their own (topmost) layer for easy referencing
- Difficulty-dependent entities interfere with edict indexing