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v0.9.17 (CRAN)

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@RLumSK RLumSK released this 01 Jan 16:28
· 1626 commits to master since this release

Changes in version 0.9.17 (2022-01-01)

This package version requires R >= 4.0.5

Bugfixes and changes


  • The error message if no likelihood profiling can be done now reads
    more clear.


  • method_control = list() gained a new sub-argument norm to
    enable/disable the normalisation of the data. The default is TRUE.


  • The keyword internally set for the font decoration 'plain' was not
    used in get_Layout(), where 'normal' was expected causing the
    function to crash in R-devel if the argument legend was used;
    fixed (#108).


  • An additional line, e.g., plot_RadialPlot(...,line = 1) was not
    always drawn where the user expected it to be seen; fixed (#106,
    reported by Li Bo)
  • The radial z-scale did not always extend to the limits of the data,
    even if limits for the z-scale were set, leading to an odd graphical
    offset and unsuitable plots; fixed (reported by Christina Neudorf)
  • The plot now always draws the lower limit of the z-scale.


  • The parameter records_max removed more curves than required;


  • The function gained a new argument plot that can disable the plot
    and return the matrix used for the plotting instead. This may sound
    a little bit awkward, but it adds enormous flexibility. The function
    does a lot of internal transformations, such as binning or colour
    calculations, which could not be used in other functions before. Now
    the function can be ‘misused’ to create an output object ready to be
    passed to other packages and functions, such as the package