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rocSOLVER 3.27.0 for ROCm 6.3.0

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@rocm-ci rocm-ci released this 03 Dec 19:49


  • 64-bit APIs for existing functions:
    • LACGV_64
    • LARF_64
    • LARFG_64
    • GEQR2_64 (with batched and strided_batched versions)
    • GEQRF_64 (with batched and strided_batched versions)
    • POTF2_64 (with batched and strided_batched versions)
    • POTRF_64 (with batched and strided_batched versions)
    • POTRS_64 (with batched and strided_batched versions)
  • Support added for the gfx1151, gfx1200, and gfx1201 architectures


  • The rocSPARSE library is now an optional dependency at runtime. If rocSPARSE
    is not available, rocSOLVER's sparse refactorization and solvers functions
    will return rocblas_status_not_implemented.


  • Improved the performance of LARFG, LARF, and downstream functions such as GEQR2 and GEQRF on wave64 architectures
  • Improved the performance of BDSQR and GESVD
  • Improved the performance of STEDC and divide and conquer Eigensolvers

Resolved issues

  • Fixed a memory allocation issue in SYEVJ that could cause failures on clients that manage their own memory.
  • Fixed a synchronizarion issue with SYEVJ that could led to a convergence failure for large matrices.
  • Fixed a convergence issue in STEIN stemming from numerical orthogonality of the initial choice of eigenvectors.
  • Fixed a synchronization issue in STEIN.

Known issues

  • A known issue in STEBZ can lead to errors in routines based on bisection to compute eigenvalues for symmetric/hermitian matrices (for example, SYEVX/HEEVX and SYGVX/HEGVX), as well as singular values (for example, BDSVDX and GESVDX).