A Build Pipeline utility package for the Unity Game Engine.
Requires Unity 2019.4 LTS or higher.
The recommended installation method is though the unity package manager and OpenUPM.
openupm add com.utilities.buildpipeline
- Open your Unity project settings
- Add the OpenUPM package registry:
- Name:
- URL:
- Scope(s):
- Name:
- Open the Unity Package Manager window
- Change the Registry from Unity to
My Registries
- Add the
- Open your Unity Package Manager
- Add package from git url:
This package is designed to be use in conjunction with a CI/CD pipeline, such as .
Create a new action workflow file using
Add the following content to the file:
name: unity-build
- 'main'
- '*'
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
# max-parallel: 2 # Use this if you're activating pro license with matrix
os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, macos-13]
unity-version: [2019.x, 2020.x, 2021.x, 2022.x, 6000.x]
include: # for each os specify the build targets
- os: ubuntu-latest
build-target: StandaloneLinux64
- os: windows-latest
build-target: StandaloneWindows64
- os: macos-13
build-target: StandaloneOSX
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Installs the Unity Editor based on your project version text file
# sets -> env.UNITY_EDITOR_PATH
# sets -> env.UNITY_PROJECT_PATH
- uses: RageAgainstThePixel/unity-setup@v1
unity-version: ${{ matrix.unity-version }}
build-targets: ${{ matrix.build-target }}
# Activates the installation with the provided credentials
- uses: RageAgainstThePixel/activate-unity-license@v1
license: 'Personal' # Choose license type to use [ Personal, Professional ]
username: ${{ secrets.UNITY_USERNAME }}
password: ${{ secrets.UNITY_PASSWORD }}
# serial: ${{ secrets.UNITY_SERIAL }} # Required for pro activations
- name: Unity Build (${{ matrix.build-target }})
uses: RageAgainstThePixel/unity-build@v1
build-target: ${{ matrix.build-target }}
These methods can be executed using the -executeMethod
command line argument to validate, sync, and build the Unity project.
Method | Description |
Utilities.Editor.BuildPipeline.UnityPlayerBuildTools.ValidateProject |
Validates the Unity Project assets by forcing a symbolic link sync and creates solution files. |
Utilities.Editor.BuildPipeline.UnityPlayerBuildTools.SyncSolution |
Force Unity to update CSProj files and generates solution. |
Utilities.Editor.BuildPipeline.UnityPlayerBuildTools.StartCommandLineBuild |
Start a build using command line arguments. |
"/path/to/Unity.exe" -projectPath "/path/to/unity/project" -quit -batchmode -executeMethod Utilities.Editor.BuildPipeline.UnityPlayerBuildTools.StartCommandLineBuild
No longer required in Unity 6+
Argument | Description |
-importTMProEssentialsAsset |
Imports the TMPro Essential assets if they are not already in the project. |
"/path/to/Unity.exe" -projectPath "/path/to/unity/project" -quit -batchmode -executeMethod Utilities.Editor.BuildPipeline.UnityPlayerBuildTools.ValidateProject -importTMProEssentialsAsset
In addition to any already defined Unity Editor command line arguments, this plugin offers some additional options:
Argument | Description |
-ignoreCompilerErrors |
Disables logging. |
-autoIncrement |
Enables auto incrementing. |
-versionName |
Sets the version of the application. Value must be string. |
-versionCode |
Sets the version code of the application. Value must be an integer. |
-bundleIdentifier |
Sets the bundle identifier of the application. |
-sceneList |
Sets the scenes of the application, list as CSV. |
-sceneListFile |
Sets the scenes of the application, list as JSON. |
-buildOutputDirectory |
Sets the output directory for the build. |
-acceptExternalModificationsToPlayer |
Sets the build options to accept external modifications to the player. |
-development |
Sets the build options to build a development build of the player. |
-colorSpace |
Sets the color space of the application, if the provided color space string is a valid ColorSpace enum value. |
-compressionMethod |
Set the build compression. Can be: LZ4 , LZ4HC |
-buildConfiguration |
Sets the build configuration of the application. Can be: debug , master , or release . |
-export |
Creates a native code project for the target platform. |
-symlinkSources |
Enables the use of symbolic links for the sources. |
-disableDebugging |
allowDebugging . Disables the ability to attach remote debuggers to the player. |
-allowDebugging |
Enables or disables the ability to attache a remote debugger to the player. Can be: true or false . |
-dotnetApiCompatibilityLevel |
Sets the dotnet api compatibility level of the player. Can be: NET_2_0 , NET_2_0_Subset , NET_4_6 , NET_Unity_4_8 , NET_Web , NET_Micro , NET_Standard , or NET_Standard_2_0 . |
-scriptingBackend |
Sets the scripting framework of the player. Can be: Mono2x , IL2CPP , or WinRTDotNET . |
-autoConnectProfiler |
Start the player with a connection to the profiler. |
-buildWithDeepProfilingSupport |
Enables deep profiling support in the player. |
-il2cppCompilerConfiguration |
C++ compiler configuration used when compiling IL2CPP. Can be: Debug , Release , or Master |
-il2cppCodeGeneration |
Control code generation for IL2CPP. Can be: OptimizeSpeed or OptimizeSize |
Argument | Description |
-appBundle |
Builds an .abb for Google Play Store |
-splitBinary |
Builds an APK per CPU architecture. |
-splitApk |
Uses APK expansion files. |
-keystorePath |
Path to the keystore. |
-keystorePass |
Sets the keystore password. |
-keyaliasName |
Name of the key to use when signing. |
-keyaliasPass |
Sets the key alias password. |
-symbols |
Sets the symbol creation mode. Can be: public , debugging , or disabled . |
Works for any Apple Platform Target: MacOS, iOS, tvOS, and visionOS.
Argument | Description |
-appleTeamId |
The team id used for signing. |
-enableAppleAutomaticSigning |
Enables automatic signing. |
-disableAppleAutomaticSigning |
Disables automatic signing. |
-appleProvisioningProfileId |
Sets the provisioning profile UUID. |
-appleProvisioningProfileType |
Sets the provisioning profile type. Can be Automatic , Development , or Distribution . |
-appleSdkVersion |
Sets the apple sdk version. Can be Device or Simulator . |
Argument | Description |
-arch |
Sets the build architecture. Can be: x64 , arm64 , or x64arm64 . |
Argument | Description |
-arch |
Sets the build architecture. Can be: x64 , x86 , ARM , or ARM64 . |
-wsaUWPBuildType |
Sets the output build type when building to Universal Windows Platform. Can be: XAML , D3D , or ExecutableOnly . |
-wsaSetDeviceFamily |
Sets the device family. Can be: Desktop , Mobile , Xbox , Holographic , Team , IOT , or IoTHeadless . |
-wsaUWPSDK |
Sets the UWP SDK Version to build for. |
-wsaMinUWPSDK |
Sets the min UWP SDK to build for. |
-wsaCertificate |
Sets the signing certificate. Must pass the path and password together. -wsaCertificate "path/to/cert.pfx" myP@55w0rd |