- 🎓 Computer Science graduate with honors from Holon Institute of Technology (HIT)
- 🏅 Dean's List Award in the second year and President's List Award in the third year
- 💡 Creative and innovative problem solver
- 💪 Highly motivated with a strong work ethic
- 🧠 Quick learner, adept at self-learning new technologies
- 🤝 Team player with excellent interpersonal skills
- 🌐 Experienced in backend development with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB
- 🚀 Always eager to tackle new challenges and real-world problems
- 📈 Looking to leverage my skills in a challenging position
- 🏀 Enjoy basketball, music, and exploring new technology
Here are a few key projects I’ve worked on that showcase my skills in backend development:
Online Shop: A full-featured e-commerce platform built with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. This project includes user authentication, product management, shopping cart functionality, and order processing. Technologies used: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, EJS, Stripe, and SendGrid.
Social Blog: A comprehensive full-stack social network and blog application developed using Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, and React. This project features user authentication, CRUD operations for posts, comments, file uploads, and GraphQL integration. Technologies used: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, React, GraphQL, Apollo Server, and Socket.io.
Community Management System: A system designed for efficient management and import of personnel information within a company, using Java, Spring Boot, and H2 database. This project includes RESTful API services, complex queries, async programming, and data integration from multiple API resources. Technologies used: Java, Spring Boot, H2, RESTful API, Jackson, Spring HATEOAS, Swagger UI, and Data REST.
Feel free to explore these repositories to get a better understanding of my work.