This website is a database-driven web application built for Effat University's book club. It is designed to help the members of the club stay informed about upcoming events, view the list of books that have been read, and view the list of members.
- Admin Credentials: Only authorized users with admin credentials can access the website's admin panel and perform CRUD operations on events, books and members.
- Events: The website has a calendar feature that displays the upcoming events. Users with admin credentials can add, edit, or remove events from the calendar.
- Books: The website has a feature that allows users to view the list of books that have been read by the book club. Users with admin credentials can add or remove books from the list.
- Members: he website has a feature that allows users to view the list of members of the book club. Users with admin credentials can add or remove members from the list.
- Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone
- Import the bookclub.sql file to your MySQL database.
- Update the dbconfig.php file with your database credentials.
- Host the files on a web server and access the website using your preferred browser.
- Log in using your admin credentials to access the backend of the website.
- Add, edit, remove, and view events.
- Add read books and view the list of read books.
- View the current members of the book club.
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- This was a group project for the Web App Dev course CS2111
- Reem Alsharabi - ReemAlsharabi
- Aicha Sidiya - AichaSidiya
- Hanin Alzaher - hanin-az
- Razan Almahdi - RazanAlmahdi