Make sure to read this readme to the end
An free open source, discord moderation bot that helps you restrict certain things such as commands, links or filter words in channels where they were not allowed.
- This project will receive constant updates and new features added !
- Make sure to leave an star on the projects repo!
To everyone who plan to sell our project by stating that they coded it or that they sell edited version.
Project is licensed under the MIT license
"The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
This means that if you plan to sell our project to make quick buck please keep the copyright notice and copy of original license.
In case of breaking licensing terms we may take legal charges against you.
Project is made open source and free for all.
We cant prohibit reselling of our project but if you do please follow the licensing terms.
Step By Step Setup Guide(currenty writing)
Frequently Asked Questions(currenty writing)
- If you like the project and the fact that is free you can support us by giving an donation.
- We are accepting donations:
- Crypto:
- Steam:
If you have some private requests feel free to contact main dev :
Note that we wont add any platform breaking TOS Modifications to any of our existing or requested projects
Setup bots profile at
Enter bots token in configuration (Discord-Channel-Moderator/Settings/config.js)
Finish configuration how you like
Invite bot to your server
How bot operate:
To prevent other bots responding on commands in wrong channel add them to roles/members in channel where you want to restrict them and disable Text Premission - Send Messages & Read Messages
Add your bot that you host script on and set his TEXT PREMISSIONS - Read Messages & Manage Messages to true in channel you want bot to operate (Number of channels is not limited)
In the channels where you want commands to take place set bots TEXT PREMISSIONS - Read Messages & Manage Messages to false
Check images in (Discord-Channel-Moderator/Settings/Server Setup Images) for visual guide