This error is caused in case of using bricked (old/outdated) version of node.js.
Sometimes there are backwards compatibility issues that are not project related rather due environtment changes.
In case you are having this error troubleshoot it as following:
[DEBUG] Check your node version (open command prompt and type node -v)
In case version is v14 upgrade to stable v15.2.1 Download here -
[SOLUTION 1] After upgrading node restart your enviroment machine/server, download & install the script again with right version of node
[SOLUTION 2] Repair existing script on new node
Delete node_modules folder including package.lock file
This might cause other issues since package.lock contains instructions for script to install.
Package.lock might change in case of running installation on non supported version of node so to avoid furthure errors replace existing with package.lock file from repository
run install.bat to install correctly.