Releases: RetroGamer02/gnuboy-3ds
Releases · RetroGamer02/gnuboy-3ds
First Alpha Release
Can load bios from /3ds/GNUBoy/
If using bios please use both gb and gbc bios roms or it could cause errors.
Speed Ups
More Video Options
Actual DMG Colors for GB games
Fixed 2 small sound bugs.
New 3DS Enhancements are disabled until they can be properly tested.
Can use left and right in menu to skip a few items.
Dpad movements should now be correct had some occasional odd movements before.
Joystick has been disabled for now its code still needs to be rewritten when I can.
Edit: Added CIA Build
Third Test Release
- Changed Y from exit to menu.
- Hopefully fixed issues on New 3DS.
- Video mode may be changed from the menu but it does not save yet.
- Rom directory is now /roms/ on the sdcard.
Second 3ds test release
Added a Super Basic Menu to select Screen Mode and a small Speed Up.
First 3ds test release
Seems to work but needs more testing.