I have no idea why i really made this but enjoy, i guess...
This bot will go thru the top 25 posts (no idea how to change this number) on r/blursedimages every X seconds. This bot does not download the images to send them, it will just take the URL and send it as an normal message on discord.
Build the program then run it. The setup is done thru the console. Press Q anytime in the console to stop it. This is the only time where it will save the settings and the list of sent images.
This is where you go to the developer portal on discord.com to get an bot token. Use that token here.
This is where you get the channels ID to send the messages to. The input is required to be an number, you have to retry this step if anything else is in the input.
Image of how to get the channel ID
Pretty self explanatory, this is where you add the delay in seconds (required to be an number)
If you want to you can add an channel to send the image to randomly from 0 sec (very low chance) to 24 hours, number required. (hour, min and seconds are randomized).
Input the subreddit you want to take the posts from, possible to change this reddit later by typing r/ in the selected discord channel.