A Terraform configuration for an AWS Site-to-Site VPN connected to a Libreswan software VPN running on an EC2 instance.
Demonstrates the following:
- How to provision an AWS site-to-site VPN with Terraform
- How to connect Libreswan VPN software to a site-to-site VPN in Amazon Web Services
- An AWS account
- Administrative privileges in the AWS account (e.g. access to an IAM user or role that has the AdministratorAccess AWS managed IAM policy attached)
- The following software:
- Git
- Terraform (version 1.3 or later)
- AWS CLI configured with credentials for the aforementioned privileges
The following instructions use AWS CloudShell, a browser-based shell that simplifies deployment by providing a predictable, reproducible environment.
- Log into the AWS Management Console and launch CloudShell.
- Install plugin for DNF.
sudo dnf install -y 'dnf-command(config-manager)'
- Add the Terraform repository.
sudo dnf config-manager \ --add-repo https://rpm.releases.hashicorp.com/AmazonLinux/hashicorp.repo
- Install the terraform package.
sudo dnf install -y terraform
- Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/RhubarbSin/terraform-aws-vpn-ec2-libreswan-example.git
- Change to the repository’s directory.
cd terraform-aws-vpn-ec2-libreswan-example
- Initialize the working directory.
terraform init
- Validate the configuration.
terraform validate
- Generate an execution plan to see what actions Terraform would take to apply the current configuration.
terraform plan
- Create the infrastructure.
terraform apply -auto-approve
- After a few minutes, the VPN tunnel should be active and can be inspected and tested in various ways.
- Show the status of the AWS VPN tunnel:
aws ec2 describe-vpn-connections \ --output text \ --query VpnConnections[0].VgwTelemetry[0].Status \ --region $(terraform output -raw vpn_region) \ --vpn-connection-ids $(terraform output -raw vpn_connection_id)
- Show the status of the Libreswan VPN tunnel:
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \ -i $(terraform output -raw ssh_key_file_name) \ ec2-user@$(terraform output -raw libreswan_instance_public_ip) \ sudo ipsec auto status
- Ping the EC2 instance on the AWS VPN end of the tunnel from the EC2 instance running Libreswan:
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \ -i $(terraform output -raw ssh_key_file_name) \ ec2-user@$(terraform output -raw libreswan_instance_public_ip) \ ping -c 3 $(terraform output -raw vpn_instance_private_ip)
- Ping the EC2 instance running Libreswan from the EC2 instance on the AWS VPN end of the tunnel:
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \ -i $(terraform output -raw ssh_key_file_name) \ ec2-user@$(terraform output -raw vpn_instance_public_ip) \ ping -c 3 $(terraform output -raw libreswan_instance_private_ip)
The status of the AWS VPN can also be viewed via the AWS Management Console by selecting Site-to-Site VPN connections on the VPC Console.
- Show the status of the AWS VPN tunnel:
- When finished, delete all of the resources by destroying the infrastructure.
terraform apply -destroy -auto-approve
The resources deployed include the following:
- Two VPCs in separate regions
- One key pair to connect to the instances using SSH
- One EC2 instance with an Elastic IP in each VPC
- One site-to-site VPN connection communicating with Libreswan running on the EC2 instance in the other region