Sense power loss at home (fluse flipped) and signalize by SMS the blackout to alert someone.
Battery Voltage Level
On the battery shield, connect the 180k resistor between A0 and the capacitor on the right side of D6.
Power Loss Sense
On the battery shield, connect the 5.1k and 10k resistors in series and connect the 5.1k resistor to the lower diode left of D3, the 10k to GND and the divider middle to D7.
Alarm Piezo
On the proto shield, connect the piezo between GND and D6.
On the proto shield, connect:
- SIM800L:TX to proto-shield:D1
- SIM800L:RX to proto-shield:D2
- SIM800L:GND to proto-shield:GND
- SIM800L:VCC to battery-shield:LiPo+
Configuration can be done on the hardware serial (MicroUSB off D1 Mini board) at 115k2 8N1 with e.g. screen
on a linux based computer or e.g. putty on Windows:
$ screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
INFO: PRESS 'b' (b)oot reason.
'h' show this (h)elp.
'm' to set new alert short (m)essage.
'n' to set new alert mobile (n)umber for alert message.
e.g. 612345678 or 00491517346592
's' for (s)tatus information (Vbat, alert mobile number and msgs).
't' to set send (t)est alert message.
All other chars will be send to SIM800L (e.g. AT<CR>).
- Wemos D1 mini
- D1 mini Lithium Battery Shield
- LiPo Battery 300mAh
- Resistor 10k Ohm (voltage divider power sense)
- Resistor 5.1k Ohm (voltage divider power sense)
- Resistor 180k Ohm (voltage divider battery voltage)
- D1 mini ProtoBoard
- SIM800L core breakout
- Piezo Ceramic Wafer Plate
- D1 mini Tripler Base
- LiPo protection board (if not integrated in LiPo)
Hardware SIM800L cutoff on low battery
D1 mini Protoboard now carries a LiPo protection board on the SIM800L power supply lines.
Alert confirm button to turn off beeper
D1 mini Tripler Base now carries a switch in between D1 mini pin D6 and piezo.