Configs have been refactored.
You will have customize your configs up again unless updating from a beta of the 2.3.0 build.
New wall types were backported.
Shulker Boxes and Shulkers have been implemented, but are unobtainable without changing a config to make Shulkers spawn randomly in the end.
This will change once end cities have been back ported.
If Shulkers spawn anywhere and a new setting is enabled, they will also get a color based on the terrain.
Added NEI support for Smoker and Blast Furnace recipes.
Added Mesa biome gold generation, which is 20 gold veins from Y32 to Y80.
Replaced regular mineshafts in Mesa biomes with ones made from dark oak that can generate near or at the surface.
All vanilla and most modded fences with matching materials will connect with each other.
All vanilla and most modded walls with matching materials will connect with each other.
The modern brewing stand now uses the correct icon.
Lantern rendering has been improved.
Deep slate spawning has been optimized significantly.
Flying is now faster when sprinting.
Added the "dye" ore dictionary tag to back ported dyes.
Frost walker now generates frosted ice in a circle.
Fixed a NPE crash that could occur with the Twilight Forest and possibly other mods.
Fixed bark blocks all crafting into planks with a meta value of four.
The tile entity replacer has been slightly optimized.
A Simplified Chinese translation has been added.