A repository for a website for PyCon Lithuania.
Deployable on PythonAnywhere.
An app for organizing a conference.
Existing tools:
- Listing speakers.
- CFP submission and management.
- Approving submitted applications. Approved talks are automatically shown on Talks page and approved speakers on Speakers page.
- Program management with slots and option to add talks to slots.
Planned features:
- Having multiple events in one page, e.g. for different years of conference.
If you prefer Docker follow instructions in docker-compose.rst. Docker workflow might save you some time if you are used to Docker.
Alternative workflow:
Install pipenv (e.g.
pip3 install --user pipenv
) if you don't have it yet. -
Install all requires packages
pipenv install
. -
Run pipenv shell
pipenv shell
. I recommend to start using direnv (see https://github.com/direnv/direnv) if you are not doing it yet. This will runpipenv shell
command automatically for you. -
Install posgresql DB and create pysql database.
Create /pyconlt/settings/local.py with following content:
import os
from .base import *
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': 'pyconlt',
python manage.py migrate
Import data using on of the two methods:
python manage.py loaddata data.json
psql < pyconlt.dump
Ask for data.json or pyconlt.dump from team members.
python manage.py runserver
Now you can develop.
Configure your environment properly in file in pyconlt/settings folder and specify DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE in .env file. E.g.:
Follow deployment instructions for your platform. For pythonanywhere we have deploy.sh script in the system.
In order to produce DB dump connect to pythonanywhere via SSH or
using Console in web. Then run ./dump.sh
on server, that will
produce dump in format pyconYYYY-MM-DD.dump format. Download dump
via SSH using scp or use PythonAnywhere web.
To import dump create empty pyconlt database using psql, e.g.
Then use psql to import dump:
psql -d pyconlt < pyconYYYY-MM-DD.dump