- Eshan Jaffar: Project Manager
- Andrew Son: Software Lead
- Zane Pressley: Mechatronic Lead
Software Team:
- Sasanka Polisetti
- Justin Gardiner
- Cipriano Dorbessan
- Daniel Thompson
- Rohan Nair
- Nathan Donagi
- Eshan Jaffar
- Andrew Son
Mechanical Team:
- Ian Causseaux
- Jackie Mac Hale
- Zane Pressley
Link to F1tenth simulation: https://github.com/f1tenth/f1tenth_gym_ros
- First go down to the section "Without an NVIDIA gpu" if you are on MacOS or Windows without an NVIDIA gpu.
- Follow instructions as in the read me (make sure to clone f1tenth_gym_ros)
- When running the setup scripts make sure to run them in a separate terminal in the "Launching the Simulation section"
Download real F1 tracks to test with here: https://github.com/f1tenth/f1tenth_racetracks To change the map:
- In the f1tenth_gym_ros repository, upload the track's png and yaml files.
- Edit the sim.yaml located in the config folder of the f1tenth_gym_ros repository
- Change the map_path parameter to reflect the name of track you want to use
- Edit the starting position and angle of the ego driver to match the track (eyeball it for now)
F1-tenth + AKS autonomous racing starting 2024 previously: software repo
- Install netcat on Jetson if it doesn't already exist (check if package exists with command nc)
- Run this command to set manual mode
sudo nmcli c mod [CONNECTION_NAME] ipv4.method manual
where [CONNECTION_NAME] is replaced with the name of your WiFi connection that you got from step 8. - Set static ip, preferably as 192.168.20.[some number here] using this command:
sudo nmcli c mod [CONNECTION_NAME] ipv4.address [NEW_ADDRESS]/[CIDR]
- Run this command to send UDP packets
echo "Hello World" | nc -u 8888
Windows Firewall Inbound Rule Before testing UDP connections via ethernet cable. Make sure that 'Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security' is not blocking UDP connections to the Jetson Orin Nano.
Creating an inbound rule Refer to this tutorial: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security/operating-system-security/network-security/windows-firewall/configure
Configuring IPV4 to allow for UDP Connections For windows, go to Settings > Network & Internet > Ethernet > IP Assignment
- Set 'Edit IP Settings' to Manual
- Turn IPv4 on and set the 'IP address' to (Make sure that two devices are not using the same IP address)
- Windows Firewall Inbound Rule
To test UDP commands on windows, use the following commands below (make sure netcat is installed):
- ssh [email protected]
- ncat -ul 8888 (to catch incoming UDP commands.) Listening