This ROS metapackage provides two packages for trajectory execution by a UR3 cobot using two different methods. The first one is based on MoveIt! and the second one on a Cartesian Velocity Controller(CVC).
The input trajectory consists of a list of 3D waypoints in the form of trajectory_custom_msgs/PointStampedArray
This package provides an action server for 3D cartesian trajectory execution. It accepts a list of 3D cartesian points and publishes each one of them at appropriate publishing rate so that the overall robot motion lasts the same duration as the input motion.
- It accepts a list of 3D waypoints (trajectory_custom_msgs/PointArray ROS message).
- It computes the appropriate publishing rates.
- It subscribes to a topic which provides the current pose and twist of the end effector (cartesian_state_msgs/PoseTwist ROS message). Used only for visualization purposes.
- It publishes the waypoints to the /trajectory_points topic.
Note: To see how to utilize the CVC for generating velocity commands for the robot motion, check the cartesian_trajectory_tracking package.
This package utilises MoveIt! in order for an end effector to track a given cartesian trajectory.
- It accepts a list of 3D waypoints (trajectory_execution_msgs/PointArray ROS message)
- It transforms the 3D list into a 7D list by adding a 4D quaternion in each point
- It moves the end effector to the first point of the trajectory using the built-in functions of MoveIt! plan() and execute()
- It calls the MoveIt! service computeCartesianPath()
- It executes the configuration-space trajectory (response of the computeCartesianPath service)
roslaunch moveit_trajectory_execution moveit_trajectory_execution.launch
roslaunch control_trajectory_execution control_trajectory_execution.launch
- Argument: smooth: True if the input trajectory is a Bezier Curve.